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Отображение результатов 28 до 41 из 41 < назад 
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2022Predation Stress Causes Excessive Aggression in Female Mice with Partial Genetic Inactivation of Tryptophan Hydroxylase-2: Evidence for Altered Myelination-Related ProcessesSvirin, E.; Veniaminova, E.; Costa-Nunes, J. P.; Gorlova, A.; Umriukhin, A.; Kalueff, A. V.; Proshin, A.; Anthony, D.; Nedorubov, A.; Tse, A. C. K.; Walitza, S.; Lim, L. W.; Lesch, K. P.; Strekalova, T.
2022Principles of modeling brain diseases and their therapy based on zebrafish studiesKalueff, A. V.
2020Rapid prototyping of soft bioelectronic implants for use as neuromuscular interfacesAfanasenkau, D.; Kalinina, D.; Lyakhovetskii, V.; Tondera, C.; Gorsky, O.; Moosavi, S.; Pavlova, N.; Merkulyeva, N.; Kalueff, A. V.; Minev, I. R.; Musienko, P.
2020Stress-induced aggression in heterozygous TPH2 mutant mice is associated with alterations in serotonin turnover and expression of 5-HT6 and AMPA subunit 2A receptorsGorlova, A.; Ortega, G.; Waider, J.; Bazhenova, N.; Veniaminova, E.; Proshin, A.; Kalueff, A. V.; Anthony, D. C.; Lesch, K. -P.; Strekalova, T.
2023Towards Novel Potential Molecular Targets for Antidepressant and Antipsychotic PharmacotherapiesKositsyn, Y. M.; de, Abreu, M. S.; Kolesnikova, T. O.; Lagunin, A. A.; Poroikov, V. V.; Harutyunyan, H. S.; Yenkoyan, K. B.; Kalueff, A. V.
2022Towards Zebrafish Models of CNS ChannelopathiesKolesnikova, T. O.; Demin, K. A.; Costa, F. V.; Zabegalov, K. N.; de Abreu, M. S.; Gerasimova, E. V.; Kalueff, A. V.
2016Understanding autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders through experimental translational neurobehavioral modelsHomberg, J. R.; Kyzar, E. J.; Nguyen, M.; Norton, W. H.; Pittman, J.; Poudel, M. K.; Gaikwad, S.; Nakamura, S.; Koshiba, M.; Yamanouchi, H.; Scattoni, M. L.; Ullman, J. F. P.; Diamond, D. M.; Kaluyeva, A. A.; Parker, M. O.; Klimenko, V. M.; Apryatin, S. A.; Brown, R. E.; Song, C.; Gainetdinov, R. R.; Gottesman, I. I.; Kalueff, A. V.
2023Understanding CNS Effects of Antimicrobial Drugs Using Zebrafish ModelsKotova, M. M.; Galstyan, D. S.; Kolesnikova, T. O.; de, Abreu, M. S.; Amstislavskaya, T. G.; Strekalova, T.; Petersen, E. V.; Yenkoyan, K. B.; Demin, K. A.; Kalueff, A. V.
2020Understanding complex dynamics of behavioral, neurochemical and transcriptomic changes induced by prolonged chronic unpredictable stress in zebrafishDemin, K. A.; Lakstygal, A. M.; Krotova, N. A.; Masharsky, A.; Tagawa, N.; Chernysh, M. V.; Ilyin, N. P.; Taranov, A. S.; Galstyan, D. S.; Derzhavina, K. A.; Levchenko, N. A.; Kolesnikova, T. O.; Mor, M. S.; Vasyutina, M. L.; Efimova, E. V.; Katolikova, N.; Prjibelski, A. D.; Gainetdinov, R. R.; de Abreu, M. S.; Amstislavskaya, T. G.; Strekalova, T.; Kalueff, A. V.
2021Understanding How Stress Responses and Stress-Related Behaviors Have Evolved in Zebrafish and Mammalsde Abreu, M. S.; Demin, K. A.; Giacomini, A. C. V. V.; Amstislavskaya, T. G.; Strekalova, T.; Maslov, G. O.; Kositsin, Y.; Petersen, E. V.; Kalueff, A. V.
2022The Use of Zebrafish as a Non-traditional Model Organism in Translational Pain Research: The Knowns and the UnknownsCosta, F. V.; Rosa, L. V.; Quadros, V. A.; de Abreu, M. S.; Santos, A. R. S.; Sneddon, L. U.; Kalueff, A. V.; Rosemberg, D. B.
2020Zebrafish as a Model of Neurodevelopmental Disordersde, Abreu, M. S.; Genario, R.; Giacomini, A. C. V. V.; Demin, K. A.; Lakstygal, A. M.; Amstislavskaya, T. G.; Fontana, B. D.; Parker, M. O.; Kalueff, A. V.
2019Zebrafish models for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Fontana, B. D.; Franscescon, F.; Rosemberg, D. B.; Norton, W. H. J.; Kalueff, A. V.; Parker, M. O.
2017Zebrafish models in neuropsychopharmacology and CNS drug discoveryKhan, K. M.; Collier, A. D.; Meshalkina, D. A.; Kysil, E. V.; Khatsko, S. L.; Kolesnikova, T.; Morzherin, Y. Y.; Warnick, J. E.; Kalueff, A. V.; Echevarria, D. J.