Showing results 1 to 20 of 35
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023 | Ab Initio Study of the Electronic Properties of a Silicene Anode Subjected to Transmutation Doping | Galashev, A. Y.; Vorob’ev, A. S. |
2020 | Abnormally high strength and low electrical resistivity of the deformed Cu/Mg-composite with a big number of Mg-filaments | Volkov, A. Y.; Antonov, B. D.; Patrakov, E. I.; Volkova, E. G.; Komkova, D. A.; Kalonov, A. A.; Glukhov, A. V. |
2015 | Anomalous electrical conductivity in rapidly crystallized Cu100-xZrx (x = 50-66.6) alloys | Uporov, S. A.; Estemirova, S. K.; Chtchelkatchev, N. M.; Ryltsev, R. E. |
2020 | Application of promising electrode materials in contact with a thin-layer ZrO2-based supporting electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells | Osinkin, D. A.; Antonova, E. P.; Lesnichyova, A. S.; Tropin, E. S.; Chernov, M. E.; Chernov, E. I.; Farlenkov, A. S.; Khodimchuk, A. V.; Eremin, V. A.; Kovrova, A. I.; Kuzmin, A. V.; Ananyev, M. V. |
2018 | Atomic and electronic structure of graphene oxide/Cu interface | Boukhvalov, D. W.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Urbańczyk, E.; Dercz, G.; Stolarczyk, A.; Simka, W.; Kukharenko, A. I.; Zhidkov, I. S.; Slesarev, A. I.; Zatsepin, A. F.; Cholakh, S. O. |
1997 | The Effect of a Surface Potential on Spin-Dependent Tunnelling in Metal-Insulator Narrow-gap Semiconductor Structures in a Magnetic Field | Minkov, G. M.; Rut, O. E.; Germanenko, A. V. |
2019 | Effect of Hydrostatic Pressures of up to 9 GPa on the Galvanomagnetic Properties of Cd3As2–MnAs (20 mol % MnAs) Alloy in a Transverse Magnetic Field | Saypulaeva, L. A.; Gadzhialiev, M. M.; Alibekov, A. G.; Melnikova, N. V.; Zakhvalinskii, V. S.; Ril’, A. I.; Marenkin, S. F.; Efendieva, T. N.; Fedorchenko, I. V.; Mollaev, A. Y. |
2020 | Effect of quenching on the electrical and optical properties of MoTe2 | Marchenkov, V. V.; Domozhirova, A. N.; Parulin, R. A.; Naumov, S. V.; Makhnev, A. A.; Shreder, E. I.; Patrakov, E. I.; Chistyakov, V. V.; Ivanov, A. D.; Huang, J. C. A. |
2017 | Effect of the method for producing Cu-Cr3C2 bulk composites on the structure and properties | Eryomina, M. A.; Lomayeva, S. F.; Paranin, S. N.; Demakov, S. L.; Yelsukov, E. P. |
2019 | Electrical and optical properties of a PtSn 4 single crystal | Marchenkov, V. V.; Domozhirova, A. N.; Semiannikova, A. A.; Makhnev, A. A.; Shreder, E. I.; Naumov, S. V.; Chistyakov, V. V.; Patrakov, E. I.; Perevozchikova, Yu. A.; Marchenkova, E. B.; Huang, J. C. A.; Eisterer, M. |
2013 | Electrical properties of Ba2(In1-x Al x )2O5 solid solutions | Kochetova, N. A.; Spesivtseva, I. V.; Animitsa, I. E. |
2013 | Electron transport in CaMnO3 - δ at elevated temperatures: A mobility analysis | Goldyreva, E. I.; Leonidov, I. A.; Patrakeev, M. V.; Kozhevnikov, V. L. |
2019 | Electronic properties of WTe2 and MoTe2 single crystals | Domozhirova, A. N.; Makhnev, A. A.; Shreder, E. I.; Naumov, S. V.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Chistyakov, V. V.; Huang, J. C. A.; Semiannikova, A. A.; Korenistov, P. S.; Marchenkov, V. V. |
2022 | High-temperature transport properties of BaSn1−xScxO3−δ ceramic materials as promising electrolytes for protonic ceramic fuel cells | Zvonareva, I. A.; Mineev, A. M.; Tarasova, N. A.; Fu, X. -Z.; Medvedev, D. A. |
2013 | Impurity phases in beryllium oxide ceramic | Turnaev, S. K.; Bitsoev, G. D.; Kil'govatov, G. M.; Kiiko, V. S. |
2013 | Investigation of the Ni3Al-Fe alloys by resistivity measurements and differential thermal analysis | Lepikhin, S. V.; Stepanova, N. N. |
2022 | Kinetic Properties of a Topological Semimetal WTe2 Single Crystal | Perevalova, A. N.; Naumov, S. V.; Podgornykh, S. M.; Chistyakov, V. V.; Marchenkova, E. B.; Fominykh, B. M.; Marchenkov, V. V. |
2023 | Magnetic order and electronic transport properties in the Mn3Al compound: The role of the structural state | Marchenkov, V. V.; Irkhin, V. Y.; Marchenkova, E. B.; Semiannikova, A. A.; Korenistov, P. S. |
2004 | Nonohmic Conductivity as a Probe of Crossover from Diffusion to Hopping in Two Dimensions | Minkov, G. M.; Sherstobitov, A. A.; Rut, O. E.; Germanenko, A. V. |
2022 | Novel High Conductive Ceramic Materials Based on Two-Layer Perovskite BaLa2In2O7 | Tarasova, N.; Bedarkova, A.; Animitsa, I.; Abakumova, E.; Belova, K.; Kreimesh, H. |