Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES

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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2022Biological Impact of γ-Fe2O3 Magnetic Nanoparticles Obtained by Laser Target Evaporation: Focus on Magnetic Biosensor ApplicationsFadeyev, F. A.; Blyakhman, F. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Melnikov, G. Y.; Nikanorova, A. D.; Novoselova, I. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2020Characterisation of the magnetic response of nanoscale magnetic filaments in applied fieldsMostarac, D.; Sánchez, P. A.; Kantorovich, S.
2018Coarse-grained molecular dynamics modelling of a magnetic polymersomeRyzhkov, A.; Raikher, Y.
2023Design of Spherical Gel-Based Magnetic Composites: Synthesis and CharacterizationShabadrov, P. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Kurilova, N. M.; Blyakhman, F. A.
2021Effect of ring-shaped clusters on magnetic hyperthermia: Modelling approachAbu-Bakr, A. F.; Zubarev, A. Y.
2020Effects of constant magnetic field to the proliferation rate of human fibroblasts grown onto different substrates: Tissue culture polystyrene, polyacrylamide hydrogel and ferrogels γ-fe2o3 magnetic nanoparticlesBlyakhman, F. A.; Melnikov, G. Y.; Makarova, E. B.; Fadeyev, F. A.; Sedneva-Lugovets, D. V.; Shabadrov, P. A.; Volchkov, S. O.; Mekhdieva, K. R.; Safronov, A. P.; Armas, S. F.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2021Fabrication of exchange coupled hard/soft magnetic nanocomposites: Correlation between composition, magnetic, optical and microwave propertiesSlimani, Y.; Algarou, N. A.; Almessiere, M. A.; Sadaqat, A.; Vakhitov, M. G.; Klygach, D. S.; Tishkevich, D. I.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Güner, S.; Hakeem, A. S.; Auwal, I. A.; Baykal, A.; Manikandan, A.; Ercan, I.
2019Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles for complex targeted delivery and boron neutron capture therapyDukenbayev, K.; Korolkov, I. V.; Tishkevich, D. I.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Trukhanov, S. V.; Gorin, Y. G.; Shumskaya, E. E.; Kaniukov, E. Y.; Vinnik, D. A.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Anisovich, M.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Tosi, D.; Molardi, C.
2021Fe2o3 nanoparticles doped with gd: Phase transformations as a result of thermal annealingKozlovskiy, A.; Egizbek, K.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Kadyrzhanov, K.
2011Ferrofluids with Shifted Dipoles: Ground State StructuresKantorovich, S.; Weeber, R.; Cerda, J. J.; Holm, C.
2019Ferrogels ultrasonography for biomedical applicationsBlyakhman, F. A.; Sokolov, S. Y.; Safronov, A. P.; Dinislamova, O. A.; Shklyar, T. F.; Zubarev, A. Y.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Сафронов, А. П.
2023Gelation in Alginate-Based Magnetic Suspensions Favored by Poor Interaction among Sodium Alginate and Embedded ParticlesSafronov, A. P.; Rusinova, E. V.; Terziyan, T. V.; Zemova, Y. S.; Kurilova, N. M.; Beketov, I. V.; Zubarev, A. Y.
2020Green synthesis of Bryophyllum pinnatum aqueous leaf extract mediated bio-molecule capped dilute ferromagnetic α-MnO2 nanoparticlesUllah, A. K. M. A.; Haque, M. M.; Akter, M.; Hossain, A.; Tamanna, A. N.; Hosen, M. M.; Kibria, A. K. M. F.; Khan, M. N. I.; Khan, M. K. A.
2019Increased as adsorption on maghemite-containing red mud prepared by the alkali fusion-leaching methodShoppert, A. A.; Loginova, I. V.; Rogozhnikov, D. A.; Karimov, K. A.; Chaikin, L. I.
2020The influence of an applied magnetic field on the self-assembly of magnetic nanogelsNovikau, I. S.; Sánchez, P. A.; Kantorovich, S. S.
2017The influence of interparticle correlations and self-assembly on the dynamic initial magnetic susceptibility spectra of ferrofluidsIvanov, A. O.; Kantorovich, S. S.; Elfimova, E. A.; Zverev, V. S.; Sindt, J. O.; Camp, P. J.
2023Investigation of the Prospects for the Use of Iron-Containing Nanocomposites Doped with Rare Earth Elements as Catalysts for the Purification of Aqueous MediaKadyrzhanov, K. K.; Kozlovskiy, A. L.; Egizbek, K. B.; Kubekova, S. N.; Kenzhina, I. E.; Zdorovets, M. V.
2020Kinetics of field-induced phase separation of a magnetic colloid under rotating magnetic fieldsRaboisson-Michel, M.; Queiros, Campos, J.; Schaub, S.; Zubarev, A.; Verger-Dubois, G.; Kuzhir, P.
2023Magnetic Nanocomposite Materials Based on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Iron and Silica Glycerolates Shell: Synthesis and CharacterizationKhonina, T. G.; Demin, A. M.; Tishin, D. S.; Germov, A. Y.; Uimin, M. A.; Mekhaev, A. V.; Minin, A. S.; Karabanalov, M. S.; Mysik, A. A.; Bogdanova, E. A.; Krasnov, V. P.
2022Magnetic-Responsive Doxorubicin-Containing Materials Based on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with a SiO2/PEG Shell and Study of Their Effects on Cancer Cell LinesDemin, A. M.; Vakhrushev, A. V.; Pershina, A. G.; Valova, M. S.; Efimova, L. V.; Syomchina, A. A.; Uimin, M. A.; Minin, A. S.; Levit, G. L.; Krasnov, V. P.; Charushin, V. N.