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Отображение результатов 114 до 133 из 255 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2020Influence of biopsy cores number performed with targeted prostate biopsy on the likelihood of a positive result in patients with clinically significant prostate cancerZyryanov, A. V.; Gulin, G. A.; Rubtsova, N. A.; Mager, V. O.; Putintsev, A. E.; Kuznetsova, S. G.; Kuznetsova, D. D.
2021Influences of COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown on Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk Value of Natural RadiationAbbasi, A.; Mirekhtiary, F.; El-Denglawey, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2014Influences of the sample shape and compression temperature on the deformation behavior and mechanical properties of human dentinZaytsev, D.; Panfilov, P.
2020Information-analytical assessment systems for perinatal outcomes and children's health status born by assisted reproductive technologiesKovtun, O. P.; Plaxina, A. N.; Makutina, V. A.; Ankudinov, N. O.; Zilber, N. A.; Limanovskay, O. V.; Sinotova, S. L.
2023An insight from computational approach to explore novel, high-affinity phosphodiesterase 10A inhibitors for neurological disordersSharma, B.; Bhattacherjee, D.; Zyryanov, G. V.; Purohit, R.
2023Insights from BRICS-T economies on the impact of human capital and renewable electricity consumption on environmental qualitySamour, A.; Adebayo, T. S.; Agyekum, E. B.; Khan, B.; Kamel, S.
2020Integral estimation of systemic inflammatory response under sepsisZotova, N. V.; Zhuravleva, Y. A.; Zubova, T. E.; Gusev, E. Y.
2022Integrated AHP-TOPSIS under a Fuzzy Environment for the Selection of Waste-To-Energy Technologies in Ghana: A Performance Analysis and Socio-Enviro-Economic Feasibility StudyAfrane, S.; Ampah, J. D.; Agyekum, E. B.; Amoh, P. O.; Yusuf, A. A.; Fattah, I. M. R.; Agbozo, E.; Elgamli, E.; Shouran, M.; Mao, G.; Kamel, S.
2017Integrated environmental policy: A review of economic analysisWiesmeth, H.; Häckl, D.
2021Is emigration worth the trouble? Satisfaction with life, group identifications, perceived discrimination, and socio-economic status of immigrants and stayersTartakovsky, E.; Patrakov, E.; Nikulina, M.
2020Is up-regulation gene expression of the certain genes during the viral respiratory tract infection would have any influence in pathogenesis of the SAR-CoV-2 infection?Shinwari, K.; Liu, G.; Bolkov, M. A.; Ahmad, I.; Daud, M.; Tuzankina, I. A.; Chereshnev, V. A.
2020Knowing How to Act Well in TimeWagner, P.
2022Lions and brown bears colonized North America in multiple synchronous waves of dispersal across the Bering Land BridgeSalis, A. T.; Bray, S. C. E.; Lee, M. S. Y.; Heiniger, H.; Barnett, R.; Burns, J. A.; Doronichev, V.; Fedje, D.; Golovanova, L.; Harington, C. R.; Hockett, B.; Kosintsev, P.; Lai, X.; Mackie, Q.; Vasiliev, S.; Weinstock, J.; Yamaguchi, N.; Meachen, J. A.; Cooper, A.; Mitchell, K. J.
2021Living with HIV in the time of COVID-19: A glimpse of hopeAdadi, P.; Kanwugu, O. N.
2023Long-term clinical outcomes after kissing balloon inflation in patients with coronary bifurcation lesions treated with provisional stenting technique. Results from the real-world multicenter registryKhelimskii, D.; Bessonov, I.; Kashtanov, M.; Sapozhnikov, S.; Badoian, A.; Baranov, A.; Manukyan, S.; Utegenov, R.; Krestyaninov, O.
2020LPDs – «Linked to penumbra» discharges or EEG correlate of excitotoxicity: A review based hypothesisChegodaev, D.; Pavlova, N. V.; Pavlova, P.; Lvova, O.
2022Magnetic-Responsive Doxorubicin-Containing Materials Based on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with a SiO2/PEG Shell and Study of Their Effects on Cancer Cell LinesDemin, A. M.; Vakhrushev, A. V.; Pershina, A. G.; Valova, M. S.; Efimova, L. V.; Syomchina, A. A.; Uimin, M. A.; Minin, A. S.; Levit, G. L.; Krasnov, V. P.; Charushin, V. N.
2013Mathematical model of the anatomy and fibre orientation field of the left ventricle of the heartPravdin, S. F.; Berdyshev, V. I.; Panfilov, A. V.; Katsnelson, L. B.; Solovyova, O.; Markhasin, V. S.
2022Mental health and COVID-19 in a general population cohort in Spain (COVICAT study)Goldberg, X.; Castaño-Vinyals, G.; Espinosa, A.; Carreras, A.; Liutsko, L.; Sicuri, E.; Foraster, M.; O’Callaghan-Gordo, C.; Dadvand, P.; Moncunill, G.; Dobaño, C.; Cortés, B.; Pleguezuelos, V.; Straif, K.; Garcia-Aymerich, J.; de Cid, R.; Cardis, E.; Kogevinas, M.
2021Microbiota of Semen Samples with Normozoospermia: Analysis of Real-time PCR DataVoroshilina, E. S.; Zornikov, D. L.; Ivanov, A. V.; Pochernikov, D. G.; Panacheva, E. A.