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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2021Alterations in the magnetic and electrodynamic properties of hard-soft Sr0.5Ba0.5Eu0.01Fe12O19/NixCuyZnwFe2O4 nanocompositesAlmessiere, M. A.; Slimani, Y.; Attia, H.; Sheikh, S. I. M.; Sadaqat, A.; Vakhitov, M. G.; Klygach, D. S.; Sertkol, M.; Baykal, A.; Trukhanov, A. V.
2023Amorphous non-doped and Se-, Cu-, and Zn-doped Sb2S3 nanoparticles prepared by a hot-injection method: bandgap tuning and possible observation of the quantum size effectValidžić, I.; Popović, M.; Potočnik, J.; Graf, C.; Joschko, M.; Kuznetsova, Y. A.; Zatsepin, D. A.
2013Analysis of structural variations of the precipitate based on monitoring the industrial electrolysis of copper powders of various brandsSokolovskaya, E. E.; Osipova, M. L.; Murashova, I. B.; Darintseva, A. B.; Savel'ev, A. M.; Mukhamadeev, F. F.
2012Antioxidant activity in the leaves of Melilotus albus and Trifolium medium from man-made disturbed habitats in the Middle Urals under the influence of copperFazlieva, E. R.; Kiseleva, I. S.; Zhuikova, T. V.
2017Atomic and electronic structure of a copper/graphene interface as prepared and 1.5 years afterBoukhvalov, D. W.; Bazylewski, P. F.; Kukharenko, A. I.; Zhidkov, I. S.; Ponosov, Y. S.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Cholakh, S. O.; Lee, Y. H.; Chang, G. S.
2021Bioaugmentation with copper tolerant endophyte Pseudomonas lurida strain EOO26 for improved plant growth and copper phytoremediation by Helianthus annuusKumar, A.; Tripti; Voropaeva, O.; Maleva, M.; Panikovskaya, K.; Borisova, G.; Rajkumar, M.; Bruno, L. B.
2023Biochemical Responses to the Long-Term Impact of Copper Sulfate (CuSO4) in Tobacco PlantsTugbaeva, A. S.; Ermoshin, A. A.; Kiseleva, I. S.
2018Chlorobenzene hydrodechlorination on bimetallic catalysts prepared by laser electrodispersion of NiPd alloyGolubina, E. V.; Rostovshchikova, T. N.; Lokteva, E. S.; Maslakov, K. I.; Nikolaev, S. A.; Egorova, T. B.; Gurevich, S. A.; Kozhevin, V. M.; Yavsin, D. A.; Yermakov, A. Y.
2004Computation of Stripes in Cuprates within the LDA + U MethodAnisimov, V. I.; Korotin, M. A.; Mylnikova, A. S.; Kozhevnikov, A. V.; Korotin, Dm. M.; Lorenzana, J.
2023Computational Modeling of Doped 2D Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion BatteriesGalashev, A.
2023Conjugates of Tacrine and Salicylic Acid Derivatives as New Promising Multitarget Agents for Alzheimer’s DiseaseMakhaeva, G. F.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Grishchenko, M. V.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Astakhova, T. Y.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Timokhina, E. N.; Zhilina, E. F.; Shchegolkov, E. V.; Ulitko, M. V.; Radchenko, E. V.; Palyulin, V. A.; Burgart, Y. V.; Saloutin, V. I.; Bachurin, S. O.; Richardson, R. J.
2022Copper and zinc extraction from underspoil waters using sulfur solution in sodium hydroxideLebed, A. B.; Verkhodanov, R. I.; Lebed, Z. A.; Bludova, D. I.
2023Copper(II) Chelates of Schiff Bases Enriched with Aliphatic Fragments: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, In Silico Studies of ADMET Properties and a Potency against a Series of SARS-CoV-2 ProteinsPanova, E. V.; Voronina, J. K.; Safin, D. A.
2015Copper-doping effects in electronic structure and spectral properties of SmNi5Knyazev, Y. V.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Kuz'min, Y. I.; Kuchin, A. G.
2016Cu–CeO2 nanocomposites: mechanochemical synthesis, physico-chemical properties, CO-PROX activityBorchers, C.; Martin, M. L.; Vorobjeva, G. A.; Morozova, O. S.; Firsova, A. A.; Leonov, A. V.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Kukharenko, A. I.; Zhidkov, I. S.; Cholakh, S. O.
2017Defect concentration in nitrogen-doped graphene grown on Cu substrate: A thickness effectSharma, D. K.; Fateixa, S.; Hortigüela, M. J.; Vidyasagar, R.; Otero-Irurueta, G.; Nogueira, H. I. S.; Singh, M. K.; Kholkin, A.
2012Deformations and structure of metal during cold butt-seam welding of copper blanksLoginov, Yu. N.; Illarionov, A. G.; Klyueva, S. Yu.; Ivanova, M. A.; Логинов, Ю. Н.; Илларионов, А. Г.; Клюева, С. Ю.; Иванова, М. А.
сен-2022Development of Technology for D eposition of Thick Copper Layers onto Ceramic Substrates Applied in Power ElectronicsNepochatov, Yu. K.; Pletnev, P. M.; Kosarev, V. F.; Gudyma, Т. S.
2019Development of the Nickel-Refining Production at Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta Oy in GMK Norilsk NickelNaftal’, M. N.; Kuznetsov, N. S.; Naboichenko, S. S.; Solntsev, K. A.; Bryukvin, V. A.
2013Effect of copper content, initial structure, and scheme of treatment on magnetic properties of ultra-thin grain oriented electrical steelLobanov, M. L.; Rusakov, G. M.; Redikul'tsev, A. A.