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2023The Development of Tablets containing Vinpocetine and Ginkgo biloba L. ExtractSlovesnova, N. V.; Petrov, A. Y.; Glavatskih, S. А.; Bolotova, А. V.; Kopchuk, D. S.
2023Directed graph mapping shows rotors maintain non-terminating and focal sources maintain self-terminating Torsade de Pointes in canine modelVan, Den, Abeele, R.; Hendrickx, S.; Van, Nieuwenhuyse, E.; Dunnink, A.; Panfilov, A. V.; Vos, M. A.; Wülfers, E. M.; Vandersickel, N.
2022Discovery of Nitro-azolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines with Anti-Inflammatory and Protective Activity against LPS-Induced Acute Lung InjurySpasov, A.; Kosolapov, V.; Babkov, D.; Klochkov, V.; Sokolova, E.; Miroshnikov, M.; Borisov, A.; Velikorodnaya, Y.; Smirnov, A.; Savateev, K.; Fedotov, V.; Kotovskaya, S.; Rusinov, V.
2020Effect of ischemic preconditioning and a Kv7 channel blocker on cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury in ratsCorydon, K. K.; Matchkov, V.; Fais, R.; Abramochkin, D.; Hedegaard, E. R.; Comerma-Steffensen, S.; Simonsen, U.
2015The effect of modafinil on the rat dopamine transporter and dopamine receptors D1–D3 paralleling cognitive enhancement in the radial arm mazeKarabacak, Y.; Sase, S.; Aher, Y. D.; Sase, A.; Saroja, S. R.; Cicvaric, A.; Höger, H.; Berger, M.; Bakulev, V.; Sitte, H. H.; Leban, J.; Monje, F. J.; Lubec, G.
2018Effects of 1,3,4-thiadiazine compound with antidepressant properties in ligation model of acute pancreatitisSarapultsev, A.; Chupakhin, O.; Rantsev, M.; Sarapultsev, P.; Danilova, I.; Medvedeva, S.; Sidorova, L.; Tseitler, T.; Brilliant, S.; Tseĭlikman, V.
2022Enhanced Aggression, Reduced Self-Grooming Behavior and Altered 5-HT Regulation in the Frontal Cortex in Mice Lacking Trace Amine-Associated Receptor 1 (TAAR1)Zhukov, I. S.; Karpova, I. V.; Krotova, N. A.; Tissen, I. Y.; Demin, K. A.; Shabanov, P. D.; Budygin, E. A.; Kalueff, A. V.; Gainetdinov, R. R.
2022Evaluation of Anti-Infectious Activity of Bioconjugates Based on Quantum Dots CdTe / Cd MPA 710 and Levofloxacin against Staphylococcal Corneal Infection. Experimental ResearchPonomarev, V. O.; Kazaykin, V. N.; Tkachenko, K. A.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Vainshtein, I. A.; Rozanova, S. M.; Kirf, M. V.; Marysheva, S. V.
2023Evaluation of the Anti-Infectious Activity of the Complex Based on Quantum Dots InP / ZnSe / ZnS 650 and Tobramycin Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection of the Cornea. Experimental ResearchShilovskikh, O. V.; Ponomarev, V. O.; Kazaykin, V. N.; Tkachenko, K. A.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Weinstein, I. A.; Rozanova, S. M.; Kirf, M. V.; Marysheva, S. V.
2021Evaluation of the Ophthalmotoxic Effect of Quantum Dots InP/ZnSe/ZnS 660 and Bioconjugates Based on Them in Terms of the Prospects for the Treatment of Resistant Endophthalmitis. Experimental Research. Part 2 (Stage 1)Ponomarev, V. O.; Kazaykin, V. N.; Lizunov, A. V.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Vainshtein, I. A.; Dezhurov, S. V.; Marysheva, V. V.
2022Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogsBergström, A.; Stanton, D. W. G.; Taron, U. H.; Frantz, L.; Sinding, M. -H. S.; Ersmark, E.; Pfrengle, S.; Cassatt-Johnstone, M.; Lebrasseur, O.; Girdland-Flink, L.; Fernandes, D. M.; Ollivier, M.; Speidel, L.; Gopalakrishnan, S.; Westbury, M. V.; Ramos-Madrigal, J.; Feuerborn, T. R.; Reiter, E.; Gretzinger, J.; Münzel, S. C.; Swali, P.; Conard, N. J.; Carøe, C.; Haile, J.; Linderholm, A.; Androsov, S.; Barnes, I.; Baumann, C.; Benecke, N.; Bocherens, H.; Brace, S.; Carden, R. F.; Drucker, D. G.; Fedorov, S.; Gasparik, M.; Germonpré, M.; Grigoriev, S.; Groves, P.; Hertwig, S. T.; Ivanova, V. V.; Janssens, L.; Jennings, R. P.; Kasparov, A. K.; Kirillova, I. V.; Kurmaniyazov, I.; Kuzmin, Y. V.; Kosintsev, P. A.; Lázničková-Galetová, M.; Leduc, C.; Nikolskiy, P.; Nussbaumer, M.; O’Drisceoil, C.; Orlando, L.; Outram, A.; Pavlova, E. Y.; Perri, A. R.; Pilot, M.; Pitulko, V. V.; Plotnikov, V. V.; Protopopov, A. V.; Rehazek, A.; Sablin, M.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Storå, J.; Verjux, C.; Zaibert, V. F.; Zazula, G.; Crombé, P.; Hansen, A. J.; Willerslev, E.; Leonard, J. A.; Götherström, A.; Pinhasi, R.; Schuenemann, V. J.; Hofreiter, M.; Gilbert, M. T. P.; Shapiro, B.; Larson, G.; Krause, J.; Dalén, L.; Skoglund, P.
2023Hormonal and inflammatory modulatory effects of hesperidin in hyperthyroidism-modeled ratsAshry, M.; Askar, H.; Obiedallah, M. M.; Elankily, A. H.; Galal, El-Sahra, D.; Zayed, G.; Mustafa, M. A.; El-Shamy, S. A. E. -M.; Negm, S. A.; El-Beltagy, M. A.; Abdel-Wahhab, K. G.; Ene, A.
2020The Influence of Behavioral, Social, and Environmental Factors on Reproducibility and Replicability in Aquatic Animal ModelsLieggi, C.; Kalueff, A. V.; Lawrence, C.; Collymore, C.
2018Inhibition of AT1 receptors by losartan affects myocardial slow force response in healthy but not in monocrotaline-treated young ratsLookin, O.; Balakin, A.; Protsenko, Y.
2023The inter-chamber differences in the contractile function between left and right atrial cardiomyocytes in atrial fibrillation in ratsButova, X.; Myachina, T.; Simonova, R.; Kochurova, A.; Mukhlynina, E.; Kopylova, G.; Shchepkin, D.; Khokhlova, A.
2023Investigation of the Penetration Ability of InP/ZnSe/ZnS 650 Quantum Dots into the Anterior Chamber of the Eye by Topical Application. Experimental StudyShilovskikh, O. V.; Ponomarev, V. O.; Kazaikin, V. N.; Tkachenko, K. A.; Kovalenko, E. G.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Vainshtein, I. A.; Kuznetsova, Y. V.
2023Limited Cheese Intake Paradigm Replaces Patterns of Behavioral Disorders in Experimental PTSD: Focus on Resveratrol SupplementationTseilikman, V. E.; Shatilov, V. A.; Zhukov, M. S.; Buksha, I. A.; Epitashvily, A. E.; Lipatov, I. A.; Aristov, M. R.; Koshelev, A. G.; Karpenko, M. N.; Traktirov, D. S.; Maistrenko, V. A.; Kamel, M.; Buhler, A. V.; Kovaleva, E. G.; Kalinina, T. S.; Pashkov, A. A.; Kon’kov, V. V.; Novak, J.; Tseilikman, O. B.
2020Manifestation of systemic toxicity in rats after a short-time inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticlesSutunkova, M. P.; Solovyeva, S. N.; Chernyshov, I. N.; Klinova, S. V.; Gurvich, V. B.; Shur, V. Y.; Shishkina, E. V.; Zubarev, I. V.; Privalova, L. I.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2020Metabolic, Molecular, and Behavioral Effects of Western Diet in Serotonin Transporter-Deficient Mice: Rescue by Heterozygosity?Veniaminova, E.; Cespuglio, R.; Chernukha, I.; Schmitt-Boehrer, A. G.; Morozov, S.; Kalueff, A. V.; Kuznetsova, O.; Anthony, D. C.; Lesch, K. -P.; Strekalova, T.
2020Molecular and behavioural abnormalities in the FUS-tg mice mimic frontotemporal lobar degeneration: Effects of old and new anti-inflammatory therapiesde, Munter, J.; Babaevskaya, D.; Wolters, E. C.; Pavlov, D.; Lysikova, E.; V. , Kalueff, A.; Gorlova, A.; Oplatchikova, M.; Pomytkin, I. A.; Proshin, A.; Umriukhin, A.; Lesch, K. -P.; Strekalova, T.