Browsing by Author Zubarev, I. V.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Application of Nanoparticles with the Structure of the Metal Nucleus - Carbon Enclosure in Biology and MedicineMinin, A. S.; Yermakov, A. Ye.; Uimin, M. A.; Zubarev, I. V.
2019Application of NMR for quantification of magnetic nanoparticles and development of paper-based assayMinin, A. S.; Uymin, M. A.; Yermakov, A. Y.; Byzov, I. V.; Mysik, A. A.; Rayev, M. B.; Khramtsov, P. V.; Zhakov, S. V.; Volegov, A. V.; Zubarev, I. V.
2019Experimental assessments of metallic and metal oxide nanoparticles toxicityPrivalova, L. I.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Gurvich, V. B.; Solovyeva, S. N.; Klinova, S. V.; Makeyev, O. G.; Valamina, I. E.; Sakhautdinova, R. R.; Bushueva, T. V.; Shur, V. Ya.; Zubarev, I. V.; Shishkina, E. V.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Experimental assessments of metallic and metal oxide nanoparticles' toxicityPrivalova, L. I.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Minigaliyeva, I. A.; Klinova, S. V.; Ryabova, I. V.; Solovyova, S. N.; Bushueva, T. V.; Fröhlich, E.; Shur, V. Y.; Zubarev, I. V.; Makeyev, O. H.; Valamina, I. E.; Panov, V. G.; Shishkina, E. V.; Gurvich, V. B.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2017High-speed precise cell patterning by pulsed electrohydrodynamic jet printingMakaev, A. V.; Mingaliev, E. A.; Karpov, V. R.; Zubarev, I. V.; Shur, V. Ya.; El'kina, O. S.; Шур, В. Я.
2019The impact of subchronic intoxication with lead and cadmium oxides nanoparticles on spermatogenesis in ratsRyabova, Ju. V.; Klinova, S. V.; Zubarev, I. V.
2018Main results obtained in a series of animal experiments for the assessment of the organism's responses to metallic nanoparticles exposurePrivalova, L. I.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Gurvich, V. B.; Makeyev, O. G.; Valamina, I. V.; Shur, V. Y.; Shishkina, E. V.; Zubarev, I. V.; Solovyova, S. N.; Klinova, S. V.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Main results obtained in a series of animal experiments for the assessment of the organism’s responses to metallic nanoparticles (self-review).Privalova, L. I.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Gurvich, V. B.; Makeyev, O. H.; Valamina, I. V.; Klinova, S. V.; Solovjeva, S. N.; Shur, V. Ya.; Shishkina, E. V.; Zubarev, I. V.; Шур, В. Я.
2020Manifestation of systemic toxicity in rats after a short-time inhalation of lead oxide nanoparticlesSutunkova, M. P.; Solovyeva, S. N.; Chernyshov, I. N.; Klinova, S. V.; Gurvich, V. B.; Shur, V. Y.; Shishkina, E. V.; Zubarev, I. V.; Privalova, L. I.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Morphological Criteria for Diagnosis of Pulmonary Lesions of Lungs in Tumors Based on Resection MaterialMeshcheryakova, E. Y.; Zubarev, I. V.; Grinberg, L. M.; Valamina, I. E.; Roslaya, N. A.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2020Multisystemic damage to mitochondrial ultrastucture as an integral measure of the comparative in vivo cytotoxicity of metallic nanoparticlesSutunkova, M. P.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Panov, V. G.; Riabova, Iu. V.; Shur, V. Ya.; Zubarev, I. V.; Shishkina, E. V.; Privalova, L. I.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2017The need for the application of modern chemical insecticides and environmental consequences of their use: A mini reviewOberemok, V. V.; Laikova, K. V.; Zaitsev, A. S.; Temirova, Z. Z.; Gal'chinsky, N. V.; Nyadar, P. M.; Shumskykh, M. N.; Zubarev, I. V.
2019Organism's responses to a long-term inhalation of silica-containing submicron particles of an industrial aerosolSolovyeva, S. N.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Privalova, L. I.; Gurvich, V. B.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Slyshkina, T. V.; Valamina, I. E.; Shur, V. Y.; Zubarev, I. V.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Organism’s responses to a long-term inhalation of silica-containing submicron particles (predominantly, nanoscale) of an industrial aerosolSolovyeva, S. N.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Privalova, L. I.; Gurvich, V. B.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Slyshkina, T. V.; Valamina, I. E.; Shur, V. Ya.; Zubarev, I. V.; Kuznnetsov, D. K.; Шур, В. Я.
2018A small molecule for a big transformation: Topical application of a 20-nucleotidelong antisense fragment of the DIAP-2 gene inhibits the development of Drosophila melanogaster female imagosNyadar, P. M.; Oberemok, V. V.; Zubarev, I. V.
2017Study of structural colour of Hebomoia glaucippe butterfly wing scalesShur, V. Ya.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Pryakhina, V. I.; Kosobokov, M. S.; Zubarev, I. V.; Boymuradova, S. K.; Volchetskaya, K. V.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Toxic effects of low-level long-term inhalation exposures of rats to nickel oxide nanoparticlesSutunkova, M. P.; Solovyeva, S. N.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Gurvich, V. B.; Valamina, I. E.; Makeyev, O. H.; Shur, V. Y.; Shishkina, E. V.; Zubarev, I. V.; Saatkhudinova, R. R.; Klinova, S. V.; Tsaregorodtseva, A. E.; Korotkov, A. V.; Shuman, E. A.; Privalova, L. I.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2018The Using of Electron Microscopy in the Diagnosis of Amphibian PathologiesZubarev, I. V.; Sitnikov, I. A.
2021Влияние наночастиц оксида цинка на организм крыс в остром и подостром экспериментахSutunkova, M. P.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Privalova, I. V.; Ryabova, I. V.; Makeev, O. G.; Zubarev, I. V.; Shishkina, E. V.; Bushueva, T. N.; Katsnelson, B. A.
2017Изучение структурной окраски чешуек крыла бабочкиКузнецов, Д. К.; Пряхина, В. И.; Зубарев, И. В.; Боймурадова, Ш. К.; Волчецкая, К. В.; Шур, В. Я.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Pryakhina, V.I.; Zubarev, I. V.; Boymuradova, S. K.; Volchetskaya, K. V.; Shur, V. Ya.