Browsing by Author Shur, V. Y.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 63  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Boosting the piezoelectric property of relaxor ferroelectric single crystal via active manipulation of defect dipole polarizationHu, Q.; Liao, H.; Liu, X.; Jin, L.; Song, K.; Zhuang, Y.; Xu, Z.; Shur, V. Y.; Wei, X.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Bulk In2O3 crystals grown by chemical vapour transport: a combination of XPS and DFT studiesZatsepin, D. A.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Zatsepin, A. F.; Vines, L.; Gogova, D.; Shur, V. Y.; Esin, A. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2016Characterization of LiMn2O4 cathodes by electrochemical strain microscopyAlikin, D. O.; Ievlev, A. V.; Luchkin, S. Y.; Turygin, A. P.; Shur, V. Y.; Kalinin, S. V.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Charged domain walls in lithium tantalate with compositional gradients produced by partial VTE processGreshnyakov, E. D.; Lisjikh, B. I.; Pryakhina, V. I.; Nebogatikov, M. S.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Chirality-Dependent Growth of Self-Assembled Diphenylalanine MicrotubesZelenovskiy, P. S.; Nuraeva, A. S.; Kopyl, S.; Arkhipov, S. G.; Vasilev, S. G.; Bystrov, V. S.; Gruzdev, D. A.; Waliczek, M.; Svitlyk, V.; Shur, V. Y.; Mafra, L.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2021Comparative and Combined In Vitro Vasotoxicity of Nanoparticles Containing Lead and CadmiumBushueva, T. V.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Panov, V. G.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Gurvich, V. B.; Shur, V. Y.; Shishkina, E. V.; Naumova, A. S.; Artemenko, E. P.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Шур, В. Я.
2013Comparative in vivo assessment of some adverse bioeffects of equidimensional gold and silver nanoparticles and the attenuation of nanosilver's effects with a complex of innocuous bioprotectorsKatsnelson, B. A.; Privalova, L. I.; Gurvich, V. B.; Makeyev, O. H.; Shur, V. Y.; Beikin, Y. B.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Kireyeva, E. P.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Loginova, N. V.; Vasilyeva, M. S.; Korotkov, A. V.; Shuman, E. A.; Vlasova, L. A.; Shishkina, E. V.; Tyurnina, A. E.; Kozin, R. V.; Valamina, I. E.; Pichugova, S. V.; Tulakina, L. G.; Шур, В. Я.
2018A comparative study of structural and electrical properties in lead-free BCZT ceramics: Influence of the synthesis methodCoondoo, I.; Panwar, N.; Alikin, D.; Bdikin, I.; Islam, S. S.; Turygin, A.; Shur, V. Y.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Creation of nanoparticles and surface nanostructures of alumina by hot water treatmentShur, V. Y.; Mingaliev, E. A.; Makaev, A. V.; Chezganov, D. S.; Kozheletova, I. Y.; Pryakhina, V. I.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Decoupling Mesoscale Functional Response in PLZT across the Ferroelectric-Relaxor Phase Transition with Contact Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Machine LearningNeumayer, S. M.; Collins, L.; Vasudevan, R.; Smith, C.; Somnath, S.; Shur, V. Y.; Jesse, S.; Kholkin, A. L.; Kalinin, S. V.; Rodriguez, B. J.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Domain diversity and polarization switching in amino acid β-glycineVasileva, D.; Vasilev, S.; Kholkin, A. L.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Domain kinetics during polarization reversal in 36? Y-cut congruent lithium niobateNeradovskaia, E. A.; Neradovskiy, M. M.; Esin, A. A.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Baldil, P.; De, Micheli, M. P.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Forget, N.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2020Domain patterning of non-polar cut lithium niobate by focused ion beamChezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Pashnina, E. A.; Turygin, A. P.; Nuraeva, A. S.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Domain Shape Appeared in Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate as a Result of Ion Beam IrradiationChezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Neradovskiy, M. M.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2020Domain structure formation by local switching in the ion sliced lithium niobate thin filmsSlautin, B. N.; Turygin, A. P.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Zhu, H.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Domain structure imaging in PMN-PT crystals using channelling-contrast backscattered electron microscopyVlasov, E. O.; Chezganov, D. S.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Ushakov, A. D.; Hu, Q.; Wei, X.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2015Domain structures and local switching in lead-free piezoceramics Ba0.85Ca0.15Ti0.90Zr0.10O3Turygin, A. P.; Neradovskiy, M. M.; Naumova, N. A.; Zayats, D. V.; Coondoo, I.; Kholkin, A. L.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2016Domain wall orientation and domain shape in KTiOPO4 crystalsShur, V. Y.; Vaskina, E. M.; Pelegova, E. V.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Kizko, O. V.; Ivanov, M.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2019E-beam domain patterning in thin plates of MgO-doped LiNbO3Vlasov, E. O.; Chezganov, D. S.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Pashnina, E. A.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Electronic structure, charge transfer, and intrinsic luminescence of gadolinium oxide nanoparticles: Experiment and theoryZatsepin, D. A.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Zatsepin, A. F.; Kuznetsova, Y. A.; Mashkovtsev, M. A.; Rychkov, V. N.; Shur, V. Y.; Esin, A. A.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Шур, В. Я.