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Отображение результатов 17 до 36 из 63 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Ferrogels ultrasonography for biomedical applicationsBlyakhman, F. A.; Sokolov, S. Y.; Safronov, A. P.; Dinislamova, O. A.; Shklyar, T. F.; Zubarev, A. Y.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Сафронов, А. П.
2020Functional magnetic ferrogels: From biosensors to regenerative medicineKurlyandskaya, G. V.; Blyakhman, F. A.; Makarova, E. B.; Buznikov, N. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Fadeyev, F. A.; Shcherbinin, S. V.; Chlenova, A. A.
2023Gelation in Alginate-Based Magnetic Suspensions Favored by Poor Interaction among Sodium Alginate and Embedded ParticlesSafronov, A. P.; Rusinova, E. V.; Terziyan, T. V.; Zemova, Y. S.; Kurilova, N. M.; Beketov, I. V.; Zubarev, A. Y.
2018Heterogeneity of population of microorganisms grown in presence of iron oxide maghemite nanoparticlesDenisova, T. P.; Simonova, E. V.; Kokorina, L. A.; Maximova, E. N.; Samatov, O. M.; Safronov, A. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Сафронов, А. П.
2023Hydrogels Based on Polyacrylamide and Calcium Alginate: Thermodynamic Compatibility of Interpenetrating Networks, Mechanical, and Electrical PropertiesSafronov, A. P.; Kurilova, N. M.; Adamova, L. V.; Shklyar, T. F.; Blyakhman, F. A.; Zubarev, A. Y.
2012Influence of Interfacial Adhesion and the Nonequilibrium Glassy Structure of a Polymer on the Enthalpy of Mixing of Polystyrene-Based Filled CompositesSafronov, A. P.; Istomina, A. S.; Terziyan, T. V.; Polyakova, Yu. I.; Beketov, I. V.; Сафронов, А. П.
2019Influence of metal containing nanocomposites on the kinetics of microbial population developmentSimonova, E. V.; Kokorina, L. A.; Denisova, T. P.; Maximova, E. N.; Safronov, A. P.; Sorokina, A. I.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2019Influence of uniform magnetic field on elastic modulus in polyacrylamide ferrogels with embedded nickel nanoparticlesMikhnevich, E. A.; Chebotkova, P. D.; Safronov, A. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2019Influense of various forms of iron on growth of Chlorella vulgaris Beijer culturePolynov, V. A.; Maksimova, E. N.; Safronov, A. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2012Inverse-gas chromatography and the thermodynamics of sorption in polymersBelov, N. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Yampolskii, Yu. P.; Сафронов, А. П.
2012Iron oxide nanoparticles fabricated by electric explosion of wire: Focus on magnetic nanofluidsBeketov, I. V.; Safronov, A. P.; Medvedev, A. I.; Alonso, J.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Bhagat, S. M.; Сафронов, А. П.
2021A kinetic model for magnetostriction of a ferrogel with physical networkingSafronov, A. P.; Zubarev, A. Y.; Mikhnevich, E. A.; Rusinova, E. V.
2018Magnetic properties and giant magnetoimpedance effect for CoFeMoSiB surface modified amorphous ribbons covered by water based ferrofluidLotfollahi, Z.; Amirabadizadeh, A.; Safronov, A. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Сафронов, А. П.
2021Magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles do not essentially contribute to ferrogel biocompatibilityBlyakhman, F. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Makarova, E. B.; Fadeyev, F. A.; Shklyar, T. F.; Shabadrov, P. A.; Armas, S. F.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2014Magnetoimpedance of thin film meander with composite coating layer containing Ni nanoparticlesLodewijk, K. J.; Fernandez, E.; Garcia-Arribas, A.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Lepalovskij, V. N.; Safronov, A. P.; Kooi, B. J.
2021Magnetoimpedance thin film sensor for detecting of stray fields of magnetic particles in blood vesselMelnikov, G. Yu.; Lepalovskij, V. N.; Svalov, A. V.; Safronov, A. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2019Magnetostriction in ferrogels based on physical and chemical networking with embedded strontium hexaferrite particlesSafronov, A. P.; Mikhnevich, E. A.
2022Mechanical Force Acting on Ferrogel in a Non-Uniform Magnetic Field: Measurements and ModelingBlyakhman, F. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Zubarev, A. Y.; Melnikov, G. Y.; Sokolov, S. Y.; Larrañaga, Varga, A.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2016Mechanoelectrical Transduction in the Hydrogel-Based Biomimetic SensorsBlyakhman, F. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Zubarev, A. Y.; Shklyar, T. F.; Dinislamova, O. A.; Lopez-Lopez, M. T.
2018Methodological aspects of small iron concentrations determination in black yeasts grown in the presence of iron oxide nanoparticlesMelnikov, G. Y.; Denisova, T. P.; Safronov, A. P.; Samatov, O. M.; Khandukhanov, R. T.; Kulesh, N. A.; Andrade, R.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Сафронов, А. П.