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Название: Segmentation and Profiling of Media Communications: Industrial and Educational Determinants
Авторы: Yefanov, A.
Tomin, V.
Дата публикации: 2020
Издатель: Ural University Press
Библиографическое описание: Yefanov A. Segmentation and Profiling of Media Communications: Industrial and Educational Determinants / A. Yefanov, V. Tomin // Communication Trends in the Post-Literacy Era: Polylingualism, Multimodality and Multiculturalism As Preconditions for New Creativity. – Ekaterinburg : Ural University Press, 2020. – pp. 507-521. – DOI 10.15826/B978-5-7996-3081-2.35
Аннотация: The subject of this article is the explication of segmentation and profiling of media communications. The rationale is based on a combination of interdependent industrial and educational determinants. A case study method is used on the example of the best practices of National Research University Higher School of Economics, where ‘Media communications’ was developed. It is an innovative direction for the Russian educational space, which is currently included in the curriculum of more than ten universities of the country (not only in the federal center but in the regions as well). The research also involved a secondary analysis of statistical data. The productivity of this direction is determined both for the Russian media industry and higher education.
Ключевые слова: MEDIA
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/94555
Конференция/семинар: Fifth International Research Conference “Communication trends in the post-literacy era: polylingualism, multimodality and multiculturalism as prerequisites for new creativity”
Дата конференции/семинара: 26.11.2020-28.11.2020
ISBN: 978-5-7996-3081-2
DOI: 10.15826/B978-5-7996-3081-2.35
Источники: Communication trends in the post-literacy era: polylingualism, multimodality and multiculturalism as prerequisites for new creativity. — Ekaterinburg, 2020
Располагается в коллекциях:Междисциплинарные конференции, семинары, сборники

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