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Title: The simulation of molecular clouds formation in the Milky Way
Authors: Khoperskov, S. A.
Vasiliev, E. O.
Sobolev, A. M.
Khoperskov, A. V.
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: The simulation of molecular clouds formation in the Milky Way / S. A. Khoperskov, E. O. Vasiliev, A. M. Sobolev et al. // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. — 2013. — Vol. 428. — Iss. 3. — P. 2311-2320.
Abstract: Using 3Dhydrodynamic calculations we simulate formation of molecular clouds in the Galaxy. The simulations take into account molecular hydrogen chemical kinetics, cooling and heating processes. Comprehensive gravitational potential accounts for contributions from the stellar bulge, two- and four-armed spiral structure, stellar disc, dark halo and takes into account self-gravitation of the gaseous component. Gas clouds in our model form in the spiral arms due to shear and wiggle instabilities and turn into molecular clouds after t ≳ 100 Myr. At the times t 100-300 Myr the clouds form hierarchical structures and agglomerations with the sizes of 100 pc and greater. We analyse physical properties of the simulated clouds and find that synthetic statistical distributions like mass spectrum, 'mass-size' relation and velocity dispersion are close to those observed in the Galaxy. The synthetic l-v (galactic longitude- radial velocity) diagram of the simulated molecular gas distribution resembles observed one and displays a structure with appearance similar to molecular ring of the Galaxy. Existence of this structure in our modelling can be explained by superposition of emission from the galactic bar and the spiral arms at ~3-4 kpc. © 2012 The Authors.
Access: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
SCOPUS ID: 84873433265
WOS ID: 000318230700035
PURE ID: 895672
ISSN: 0035-8711
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/sts195
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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