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Other Titles: Online competition for entering youth teams in the form of a personal championship
Authors: Polozov, A. A.
Goncharova, E. A.
Полозов, А. А.
Гончарова, Е. А.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: South Ural State University - Institute of Sport, Tourism and Service
Citation: Полозов А. А. ОНЛАЙН РЕСУРС ДЛЯ ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ ОТКРЫТОГО КОНКУРСА В МОЛОДЕЖНЫЕ СБОРНЫЕ КОМАНДЫ В ФОРМАТЕ ЛИЧНОГО ПЕРВЕНСТВА / А. А. Полозов, Е. А. Гончарова // Человек. Спорт. Медицина. — 2018. — Т. 18. — №. 4. — С. 145-149.
Abstract: Aim. The aim of this article is to create an online tool for prompt and qualitative selection of players for youth teams in the form of a personal championship. Materials and methods. A personal championship is a set of micro matches with a standard ratio of players (4×4, 5×5, etc.), where each player participates in the same number of matches with the rest part of the team both as a partner and as a rival. We created an algorithm for a personal championship with any number of players, which allows us to distribute partners and rivals with the least error. This provides visualization of the difference between players and the possibility to perform matches in a playoff format. We demonstrated the increase in the results of handball players aged 14-16 after implementation of the abovementioned tool. Results. In team sports 80 % of success depends on player's genes and just 20 % is the result of coach's efforts. That is why the selection activity of the coach is more important. However, coaches are usually not so competent in the assessment of players and can position successfully only about 30-40 % of the team. We created an online tool (available at generating teams for micro matches with a standard ratio of players (4×4, 5×5, 6×6) and uniform distribution of all partners and rivals. This allows us to estimate the difference created by the player in micro matches. The algorithm positions players from the highest to lowest results. This competition should be used for gifted children from related sports to improve the potential of our national team. Conclusion. This tool was created for youth teams in mini-football (coach of the team - Honored Coach of Russia, Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Skorovich SL). This online tool proposed for ordinary sports schools and clubs in team sports contributes to the elimination of the deficiency in practice and promotes rapid growth of professional skills. © 2018 Human Sport Medicine. All rights reserved.
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RSCI ID: 36589339
SCOPUS ID: 85061910632
WOS ID: 000458656200008
PURE ID: 8568716
ISSN: 2500-0209
DOI: 10.14529/hsm180421
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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