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Title: Прагматические характеристики речи и их лексикографическая репрезентация (по материалам идеографических словарей русского языка)
Other Titles: Pragmatic characteristics of speech and their lexicographic representation in ideographic dictionaries of the Russian language
Authors: Voronina, T. M.
Воронина, Т. М.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Tomsk State University
Национальный исследовательский Томский государственный университет
Citation: Воронина Т. М. Прагматические характеристики речи и их лексикографическая репрезентация (по материалам идеографических словарей русского языка) / Т. М. Воронина // Вопросы лексикографии. — 2018. — №. 14. — С. 122-140.
Abstract: This article analyzes pragmatic elements of words denoting speech and methods of their representation in ideographic dictionaries of the Russian language. Ideographic dictionaries often organize words not only on the basis of differential semantics but also in the way which stresses the importance of evaluative components in their meanings (for example, 'Hasty and Inappropriate Speech', 'Informal Talking and Conversation', and so on). It is not only a speech act as a whole but also its specific elements and aspects which can be interpreted and evaluated (according to M. Ya. Glovinskaya, these aspects include the content and the form of the utterance as well as the very fact that it was made). Moreover, a speech act can be interpreted or evaluated according to different parameters (for example, N.D. Arutyunova points out aesthetic, ethical, utilitarian and other kinds of evaluation). Taking into consideration these parameters, the speaker evaluates the speech act positively or negatively. Discussing the types of pragmatic elements of words denoting speech and methods of their representation, this article draws on the material provided by the dictionaries and dictionary projects of the Ural Semantic School led by Lyudmila Babenko. The author makes a conclusion that the following components of a speech situation are the objects of interpretation and evaluation: (1) pronunciation features of speech: distinctiveness or indistinctiveness of articulation; monotonous intonation; excessive volume (loudness); fast tempo; accent; (2) manner of speaking: for example, speak in a complex or original way; speak abruptly or profusely, consistently or inconsistently; (3) content of speech: lack of significant information; discrepancy between the message and reality; adequacy/inadequacy to the situation; (4) purpose of the speaker: for example, presenting somebody or something as ridiculous or pathetic; insincere praise or flattery; showing agreement with the interlocutor in order to ingratiate oneself with him or her; (5) personality traits and temper expressed through speech: chattiness; determination; confidence or lack of confidence; indecisiveness; propensity to moan, complain endlessly and express dissatisfaction in an annoying manner, also in the form of mockery; a habit of discussing people behind their backs; inability to keep one's own and other people's secrets; considering it demeaning or humiliating to ask for a favour. The dictionaries of the new type reflect pragmatic elements of meanings more effectively than the older ones. © 2018 Tomsk State University. All rights reserved.
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RSCI ID: 36689105
SCOPUS ID: 85064677186
WOS ID: 000456863100007
PURE ID: 8874579
ISSN: 2227-4200
DOI: 10.17223/22274200/14/7
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: The research was supported by the grant of the Russian Science Foundation (Project 16-18-02005).
RSCF project card: 16-18-02005
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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