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Title: A Mild and Efficient Method for the Syntheses and Regioselective Ring-Opening of Aziridines
Authors: Ghosal, N. C.
Mahato, S.
Chatterjee, R.
Santra, S.
Zyryanov, G. V.
Majee, A.
Зырянов, Г. В.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Thieme Publishing Group
Citation: A Mild and Efficient Method for the Syntheses and Regioselective Ring-Opening of Aziridines / N. C. Ghosal, S. Mahato, R. Chatterjee // Synopen. — 2017. — Vol. 1. — Iss. 1. — P. 15-23.
Abstract: We have developed a new synthetic method for the synthesis of aziridines using Chloramine-T as an effective reagent in the presence of NH2OH center dot HCl and NaIO4. We found that the same combination of NH2OH center dot HCl and NaIO4 is also very effective for nucleophilic ring opening of aziridines.
Access: cc-by
SCOPUS ID: 85049278770
WOS ID: 000457758900006
PURE ID: 9077088
ISSN: 2509-9396
DOI: 10.1055/s-0036-1588809
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: This research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation, grant number 18-19-00090.
RSCF project card: 18-19-00090
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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