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Title: Fabrication and optical properties of Y2O3-based ceramics with broad emission bandwidth
Authors: Bagayev, S. N.
Osipov, V. V.
Shitov, V. A.
Pestryakov, E. V.
Kijko, V. S.
Maksimov, R. N.
Lukyashin, K. E.
Orlov, A. N.
Polyakov, K. V.
Petrov, V. V.
Issue Date: 2012
Citation: Fabrication and optical properties of Y2O3-based ceramics with broad emission bandwidth / S. N. Bagayev, V. V. Osipov, V. A. Shitov, E. V. Pestryakov, V. S. Kijko, R. N. Maksimov, K. E. Lukyashin, A. N. Orlov, K. V. Polyakov, V. V. Petrov // Journal of the European Ceramic Society. — 2012. — Vol. 32. — № 16. — P. 4257-4262.
Abstract: In this article, we report on the fabrication and optical properties of highly transparent yttria ceramics for lasers active media with broadband gain profile. Laser synthesis method was used to produce Y 2O 3-based nanopowders doped with 1mol.% Nd 3+ or Yb 3+ for these transparent ceramics. The additives of sesquioxides Lu 2O 3 and Sc 2O 3 were used along with ZrO 2 to disorder the crystalline structure. The porosity and average grain size decrease with these additives and the emission bandwidths of Nd 3+ ( 4F 3/2→ 4I 11/2) and Yb 3+ ( 2F 5/2→ 2F 7/2) transitions widen to 40 and 60nm, respectively. Laser operation with the slope efficiency of 29% was obtained in [(Yb 0.01Lu 0.24Y 0.75) 2O 3] 0.88(ZrO 2) 0.12 ceramic sample. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Keywords: GRAIN SIZE
Y 2O 3
Access: info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess
SCOPUS ID: 84866895636
WOS ID: 000310392600033
PURE ID: 1069997
ISSN: 0955-2219
DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2012.07.006
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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