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Авторы: Shelke, Shweta
Shevkar, Pooja
Yeole, Rutika B.
Bhutada, Sarita A.
Dahikar, Samadhan B.
Kovaleva, Elena G.
Дата публикации: 2025
Издатель: Individual entrepreneur Ekaterina V. Shestakova
Библиографическое описание: Shelke Shweta. BACTERIOCIN-PRODUCING PROBIOTICS: APPLICATION IN THERAPEUTICS / Shweta Shelke, Pooja Shevkar, Rutika B. Yeole, Sarita A. Bhutada, Samadhan B. Dahikar, Elena G. Kovaleva // Proceedings of the School on Biotechnology for Students, Ph.D. students and Young scientists (Yekaterinburg, 8-19 Yuly 2024). — Yekaterinburg : Individual entrepreneur Ekaterina V. Shestakova, 2025. — P. 62-69.
Аннотация: The use of traditional dairy products as a source of beneficial microorganisms has gained significant attention due to their rich microbial diversity and potential health benefits. Among these microorganisms, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are particularly notable for their probiotic properties, including the production of bacteriocins antimicrobial peptides that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Bacteriocins offer a natural and effective means of food preservation and have therapeutic potential in combating antibiotic-resistant pathogens, making them a subject of growing interest in both food and pharmaceutical industries. Traditional dairy products, often fermented through natural processes, serve as a reservoir for diverse strains of LAB capable of producing unique bacteriocins. These products, such as yogurt, cheese, and fermented milk, provide an ideal environment for the growth of LAB, fostering the development of unique microbial communities. The isolation and characterization of these probiotic LAB strains, particularly those producing bacteriocins, are crucial for understanding their role in food safety, human health, and their application in developing novel functional foods. This review is based on the exploration of bacteriocin-producing LAB from traditional dairy products offers valuable insights into their diversity, functionality, and potential applications. By examining recent findings, this paper will highlight the potential of these strains in enhancing food safety and developing new therapeutics, thereby contributing to the broader understanding of their role in human health and nutrition.
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/141970
Конференция/семинар: The School on Biotechnology for Students, Ph.D. students and Young scientists
Дата конференции/семинара: 08.07.2024-19.07.2024
ISBN: 978-5-6051237-3-6
Источники: The School on Biotechnology for Students, Ph.D. students and Young scientists. —Yekaterinburg, 2025
Располагается в коллекциях:Конференции, семинары

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