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Title: On the parametric dependence of the volume of integral funnels and their approximations
Authors: Ushakov, V. N.
Ershov, A. A.
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Udmurt State University
Citation: Ушаков, ВН & Ершов, АА 2022, 'О ПАРАМЕТРИЧЕСКОЙ ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОБЪЕМА ИНТЕГРАЛЬНЫХ ВОРОНОК И ИХ АППРОКСИМАЦИЙ', Вестник Удмуртского университета. Математика. Механика. Компьютерные науки, Том. 32, № 3, стр. 447-462.
Ушаков, В. Н., & Ершов, А. А. (2022). О ПАРАМЕТРИЧЕСКОЙ ЗАВИСИМОСТИ ОБЪЕМА ИНТЕГРАЛЬНЫХ ВОРОНОК И ИХ АППРОКСИМАЦИЙ. Вестник Удмуртского университета. Математика. Механика. Компьютерные науки, 32(3), 447-462.
Abstract: We consider a nonlinear control system in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space and on a finite time interval, which depends on a parameter. Reachable sets and integral funnels of a differential inclusion corresponding to a control system containing a parameter are studied. When studying numerous problems of control theory and differential games, constructing their solutions and estimating errors, various theoretical approaches and associated computational methods are used. The problems mentioned above include, for example, various types of approach problems, the resolving constructions of which can be described quite simply in terms of reachable sets and integral funnels. In this paper, we study the dependence of reachable sets and integral funnels on a parameter: the degree of this dependence on a parameter is estimated under certain conditions on the control system. The degree of dependence of the integral funnels is investigated for the change in their volume with a change in the parameter. To estimate this dependence, systems of sets in the phase space are introduced that approximate the reachable sets and integral funnels on a given time interval corresponding to a finite partition of this interval. In this case, the degree of dependence of the approximating system of sets on the parameter is first estimated, and then this estimate is used in estimating the dependence of the volume of the integral funnel of the differential inclusion on the parameter. This approach is natural and especially useful in the study of specific applied control problems, in solving which, in the end, one has to deal not with ideal reachable sets and integral funnels, but with their approximations corresponding to a discrete representation of the time interval. © 2022 Udmurt State University. All rights reserved.
Access: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
RSCI ID: 49492763
SCOPUS ID: 85142906973
WOS ID: 000916470800007
PURE ID: 30966727
ISSN: 1994-9197
DOI: 10.35634/vm220307
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka, (075–02–2022–874)
Funding. The work was performed as part of research conducted in the Ural Mathematical Center with the financial support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement number 075–02–2022–874).
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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