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Title: Determination and Classification of the Speech Act of Proposal in the Russian Language
Authors: Liu, Chengcheng
Fernandez, Rafael Forteza
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Knowledge E
Citation: Liu Chengcheng. Determination and Classification of the Speech Act of Proposal in the Russian Language / Chengcheng Liu, Rafael Forteza Fernandez // Convention 2019 “Modernization and Multiple Modernities” (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 26–27 April, 2019). – Dubai : Knowledge E, 2020. – KnE Social Sciences, 4 (13). – pp. 122–128. – DOI 10.18502/kss.v4i13.7705
Abstract: This article provides a study of the definition and classification of the speech act of proposal in the Russian language. Speech acts, understood as the minimum unit of speech activity, is an elementary link of communication and the most important part of linguistic pragmatics. Scholars have already studied many different speech acts, such as speech act (SA) requests, complaints, and refusals. However, little attention is paid to the study of the Russian speech act of proposal. This belongs to the directive speech acts in relation to their realization, the cultural background against which they are realized and their perception, for example, by Chinese speakers. The results of the paper suggest that proposals in Russian have to be studied in their cultural environment as a way to improve the teaching and learning and translation studies of this language in China and avoid misunderstandings in the ongoing relations between the two countries, thus leading to help to achieve the goals of successful communicative contacts.
Keywords: SPEECH ACT
Access: Creative Commons Attribution License
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Conference name: Convention 2019 “Modernization and Multiple Modernities”
Conference date: 20.05.2019-23.05.20219
ISSN: 2518-668X
DOI: 10.18502/kss.v4i13.7705
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: This research was made possible by the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant No. 17-29-09136\19 «Polylingualism in the era of post-literacy: philosophical and cultural studies and methodological and pedagogical development of a multilingual education model».
Origin: Convention 2019 “Modernization and Multiple Modernities”. — Ekaterinburg, 2020
Appears in Collections:Междисциплинарные конференции, семинары, сборники

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