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Название: Tailoring the spatial-dependent Rashba parameter and spin fluctuations in nanomaterials for improved spin-FET functionality
Авторы: Wong, C. H.
Lortz, R.
Tang, C. Y.
Zatsepin, A. F.
Дата публикации: 2022
Издатель: Elsevier B.V.
Библиографическое описание: Tailoring the spatial-dependent Rashba parameter and spin fluctuations in nanomaterials for improved spin-FET functionality / C. H. Wong, R. Lortz, C. Y. Tang et al. // Results in Physics. — 2022. — Vol. 39. — 105703.
Аннотация: The spatial fluctuation of the Rashba parameter has been a major issue in the development of state-of-the-art spintronic nanodevices. Since stable spin-precession is of vital importance in the spin field-effect transistor (spin-FET), we have developed a Monte Carlo model to justify that the local E-field of heavy dopants is the origin of the fluctuating Rashba parameter. To maintain a stable drain current in spin-FETs, we study how the size of lattice, doping condition, E-field screening, exchange interaction and temperature influence the Rashba interaction in nanomaterials. Our Monte Carlo model can predict the Rashba effect of Graphene/Nickel(1 1 1) substrate at room temperature and presents a path to enhance the Rashba interactions via proximity coupling. More importantly, we have discovered a dip-like structure in the Rashba parameter that strongly scatters the spin states, and we have figured out how to suppress spin fluctuations in the semiconductor channel. Our results are important for the development of the next generation of spin transistors. © 2022
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/118154
Условия доступа: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Идентификатор SCOPUS: 85131816405
Идентификатор WOS: 000879243600004
Идентификатор PURE: 30529309
ISSN: 22113797
DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2022.105703
Сведения о поддержке: Research Grants Council, University Grants Committee, 研究資助局: C6025-19G-A, GRF-16302018; Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PolyU
The study was supported by Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing and the grants from the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (GRF-16302018 & C6025-19G-A). This work was partially supported by the Research Committee of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University under Project Code G-UAMY.
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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