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Title: Compartmentation of Photosynthesis in Cells and Tissues of C4 Plants
Authors: Edwards, G. E.
Franceschi, V. R.
Ku, M. S. B.
Voznesenskaya, E. V.
Pyankov, V. I.
Andreo, C. S.
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press (OUP)
Citation: Compartmentation of Photosynthesis in Cells and Tissues of C4 Plants / G. E. Edwards, V. R. Franceschi, M. S. B. Ku et al. // Journal of Experimental Botany. — 2001. — Vol. 52. — Iss. 356. — P. 577-590.
Abstract: Critical to defíning photosynthesis in C4 plants is understandíng the intercellular and intracellular compartmentation of enzymes between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells ín the leaf. Thís íncludes enzymes of the C4 cycle (includíng three subtypes), the C3 pathway and photorespiration. The current state of knowledge of this compartmentatíon is a consequence of the development and applicatíon of different techniques over the past three decades. Initial studies led to some alternative hypotheses on the mechanism of C4 photosynthesis, and some controversy over the compartmentation of enzymes. The development of methods for separating mesophyll and bundle sheath cells provided convincing evidence on intercellular compartmentation of the key components of the C4 pathway. Studies on the intracellular compartmentation of enzymes between organelles and the cytosol were facilitated by the isolation of mesophyll and bundle sheath protoplasts, which can be fractionated gently while maintaining organelle integrity. Now, the ability to determine localization of photosynthetic enzymes conclusively, through in situ immunolocalization by confocal light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, is providing further insight into the mechanism of C4 photosynthesis and its evolution. Currently, immunological, ultrastructural and cytochemical studies are revealing relationships between anatomícal arrangements and photosynthetic mechanísms which are probably related to environmental factors assocíated wíth evolutíon of these plants. This íncludes interesting variations in the C4 Syndrome in leaves and cotyledons of species ín the tríbe Salsoleae of the famíly Chenopodiaceae, in relatíon to evolutíon and ecology. Thus, analysis of structure-functíon relatíonships using modern techniques is a very powerful approach to understanding evolution and regulation of the photosynthetic carbon reduction mechanisms.
Keywords: ANATOMY
Access: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
SCOPUS ID: 0034970221
WOS ID: 000169267300007
PURE ID: 42793715
ISSN: 0022-0957
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: This work was partly supported by NSF Grant IBN-9807916 and Civilian Research and Development Foundation Grant RB1-264. Thanks to T Kostman and N Tarlyn for assistance in preparing the figures. The microsocopy was done in the WSU Electron Microscopy Center.
NSF project card: 9807916
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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