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Title: Spin dependence of ferroelectric polarization in the double exchange model for manganites
Authors: Solovyev, I. V.
Nikolaev, S. A.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Solovyev I. V. Spin dependence of ferroelectric polarization in the double exchange model for manganites / I. V. Solovyev, S. A. Nikolaev. — DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.184425 // Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. — 2014. — Vol. 90. — Iss. 18. — 184425.
Abstract: The double exchange (DE) model is systematically applied for studying the coupling between ferroelectric (FE) and magnetic orders in several prototypical types of multiferroic manganites. The model itself was constructed for the magnetically active Mn 3d bands in the basis of Wannier functions and includes the effect of screened onsite Coulomb interactions in the Hartree-Fock approximation. All model parameters were derived from the first-principles electronic-structure calculations. The essence of our approach for the FE polarization is to use the Berry-phase theory, formulated in terms of occupied Wannier functions, and to evaluate the asymmetric spin-dependent change of these functions in the framework of the DE model. This enables us to quantify the effect of the magnetic symmetry breaking and derive several useful expressions for the electronic polarization P, depending on the relative directions of spins. The spin dependence of P in the DE model is given by the isotropic correlation functions ei·ej between directions of neighboring spins. Despite formal similarity with the magnetostriction mechanism, the magnetoelectric coupling in the proposed DE theory is not related to the magnetically driven FE atomic displacements and can exist even in compounds with the centrosymmetric crystal structure, if the spatial distribution of ei·ej does not respect the inversion symmetry. The proposed theory is applied to the solution of three major problems: (i) the magnetic-state dependence of P in hexagonal manganites, using YMnO3 as an example; (ii) the microscopic relationship between canted ferromagnetism and P in monoclinic BiMnO3; (iii) the origin of FE activity in orthorhombic manganites. Particularly, we will show that for an arbitrary noncollinear magnetic structure, propagating along the orthorhombic b axis and antiferromagnetically coupled along the c axis, the polarization is induced by an inhomogeneous distribution of spins and can be obtained by scaling the one of the E-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase with the prefactor depending only on the relative directions of spins and being the measure of this spin inhomogeneity. This picture works equally well for the twofold (HoMnO3) and fourfold (TbMnO3) periodic manganites. The basic difference is that, even despite some spin canting of the relativistic origin and deviation from the collinear E-type AFM alignment, the twofold periodic magnetic structure remains strongly inhomogeneous, which leads to large P. On the contrary, the fourfold periodic magnetic structure can be viewed as a moderately distorted homogeneous spin spiral, which corresponds to much weaker P. © 2014 American Physical Society.
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SCOPUS ID: 84915747587
WOS ID: 000345742700005
PURE ID: 2c1bd31c-9566-4ce9-8a47-5392ec07c4a4
ISSN: 10980121
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.184425
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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