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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2022Activation Energy Distribution in Thermal Quenching of Exciton and Defect-related Photoluminescence of InP/ZnS Quantum DotsSavchenko, S. S.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Weinstein, I. A.
2019Anisotropic temperature dependence of normal state resistivity in underdoped region of a layered electron-doped superconductor Nd2- xCe x CuO4Klepikova, A. S.; Charikova, T. B.; Shelushinina, N. G.; Popov, M. R.; Ivanov, A. A.
2020An approach to identifying unconventional superconductivity in highly-compressed superconductorsTalantsev, E. F.
2019Charge carrier concentration and structural transition temperatures in Heusler alloys Ni50Mn36Sb14-xZx (Z = Al, Ge; X = 0; 1; 2; 3; 4)Emelyanova, S. M.; Dyachkova, T. V.; Tyutyunnik, A. P.; Chistyakov, V. V.; Domozhirova, A. N.; Sauerzopf, F.; Wang, R. L.; Yang, C.; Marchenkov, V. V.
2020Coexistence of Superconductivity and Charge Density Waves in Tantalum Disulfide: Experiment and TheoryKvashnin, Y.; Vangennep, D.; Mito, M.; Medvedev, S. A.; Thiyagarajan, R.; Karis, O.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Eriksson, O.; Abdel-Hafiez, M.
2014Determination of the lower critical field Hc1(T) in FeSe single crystals by magnetization measurementsAbdel-Hafiez, M.; Vasiliev, A. N.; Chareev, D. A.; Moshchalkov, V. V.; Silhanek, A. V.
2019Donor DBH excitons and magnetism of Mn doped ZnOSokolov, V. I.; Gruzdev, N. B.; Vazhenin, V. A.; Fokin, A. V.; Korolev, A. V.; Menshenin, V. V.; Surikov, V. T.; Yemelchenko, G. A.
2017Effect of An Electron Beam Irradiation on Optical and Luminescence Properties of LiBaAlF6 Single CrystalsOgorodnikov, I. N.; Pustovarov, V. A.; Omelkov, S. I.; Kirm, M.
2021Effect of cobalt content on the properties of quintuple perovskites Sm2Ba3Fe5-xCoxO15-δGolovachev, I. B.; Mychinko, M. Y.; Volkova, N. E.; Gavrilova, L. Y.; Raveau, B.; Maignan, A.; Cherepanov, V. A.
2018Effect of Cr Spacer on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe/Gd MultilayersDrovosekov, A. B.; Ryabukhina, M. V.; Kholin, D. I.; Kreines, N. M.; Manuilovich, E. A.; Savitsky, A. O.; Kravtsov, E. A.; Proglyado, V. V.; Ustinov, V. V.; Keller, T.; Khaydukov, Y. N.; Choi, Y.; Haskel, D.
2020Effect of Electronic Correlations on the Spectral and Magnetic Properties of ZrZn2Skornyakov, S. L.; Protsenko, V. S.; Anisimov, V. I.; Katanin, A. A.
2021Effect of Heat Transfer on the Growing Bubble with the Nanoparticles/Water Nanofluids in Turbulent FlowAbu-Nab, A. K.; Abu-Bakr, A. F.
2020Effect of high pressure on the thermoelectrical properties of single-walled and double-walled carbon nanotubesSokolovsky, D. N.; Naymushin, A. V.; Andreeva, A. G.; Volkova, Ya. Yu.
2019Effect of temperature on the exchange bias in FeMn/X/Fe20Ni80 (X = Ta, Gd) filmsAdanakova, O. A.; Lepalovskij, V. N.; Stepanova, E. A.; Vas'kovskiy, V. O.
2020Effects of high mechanical treatment and long-term annealing on crystal structure and thermal stability of Ti2O3nanocrystalsValeeva, A. A.; Nazarova, S. Z.; Schröttner, H.; Gerasimov, E. Y.; Rempel, A. A.
2019Electrical and optical properties of a PtSn 4 single crystalMarchenkov, V. V.; Domozhirova, A. N.; Semiannikova, A. A.; Makhnev, A. A.; Shreder, E. I.; Naumov, S. V.; Chistyakov, V. V.; Patrakov, E. I.; Perevozchikova, Yu. A.; Marchenkova, E. B.; Huang, J. C. A.; Eisterer, M.
2023Electron transport and scattering mechanisms in ferromagnetic monolayer Fe3GeTe2Badrtdinov, D. I.; Pushkarev, G. V.; Katsnelson, M. I.; Rudenko, A. N.
2019Electronic properties of WTe2 and MoTe2 single crystalsDomozhirova, A. N.; Makhnev, A. A.; Shreder, E. I.; Naumov, S. V.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Chistyakov, V. V.; Huang, J. C. A.; Semiannikova, A. A.; Korenistov, P. S.; Marchenkov, V. V.
2023The Electronic Structure, Thermoelectric, and Optical Properties of Heusler Alloys Mn2MeAl (Me = Ti, V, Cr)Shreder, E. I.; Filanovich, A. N.; Chernov, E. D.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Marchenkov, V. V.; Stashkova, L. A.
2021Emerging Mechanisms of Magnetocaloric Effect in Phase-Separated MetalsIvchenko, V. V.; Igoshev, P. A.