Browsing by Subject DOMAIN WALLS

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Asymptotics of quasi-classical localized states in 2D system of charged hard-core bosonsPanov, Y. D.; Moskvin, A. S.
2020Barkhausen pulses caused by domain merging in congruent lithium niobateAkhmatkhanov, A. R.; Kipenko, I. A.; Esin, A. A.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Bloch lines in thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and intermediate quality factorIzmozherov, I. M.; Zverev, V. V.; Baykenov, E. Z.
2018Cavity optomechanics of topological spin textures in magnetic insulatorsProskurin, I.; Ovchinnikov, A. S.; Kishine, J. -I.; Stamps, R. L.
2021Collective Dynamics of Domain Walls: An Antiferromagnetic Spin Texture in an Optical CavityIyaro, J. O.; Proskurin, I.; Stamps, R. L.
2017Dielectric Relaxation and Charged Domain Walls in (K,Na)NbO3-Based Ferroelectric CeramicsEsin, A. A.; Alikin, D. O.; Turygin, A. P.; Abramov, A. S.; Hreščak, J.; Walker, J.; Rojac, T.; Bencan, A.; Malic, B.; Kholkin, A. L.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Domain diversity and polarization switching in amino acid β-glycineVasileva, D.; Vasilev, S.; Kholkin, A. L.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Domain kinetics during polarization reversal in 36? Y-cut congruent lithium niobateNeradovskaia, E. A.; Neradovskiy, M. M.; Esin, A. A.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Baldil, P.; De, Micheli, M. P.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Forget, N.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2020Domain patterning of non-polar cut lithium niobate by focused ion beamChezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Pashnina, E. A.; Turygin, A. P.; Nuraeva, A. S.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Domain shape instabilities and dendrite domain growth in uniaxial ferroelectricsShur, V. Ya.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Шур, В. Я.
2020Domain structure formation by local switching in the ion sliced lithium niobate thin filmsSlautin, B. N.; Turygin, A. P.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Zhu, H.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2016Domain wall orientation and domain shape in KTiOPO4 crystalsShur, V. Y.; Vaskina, E. M.; Pelegova, E. V.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Kizko, O. V.; Ivanov, M.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2019E-beam domain patterning in thin plates of MgO-doped LiNbO3Vlasov, E. O.; Chezganov, D. S.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Pashnina, E. A.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2006Field Induced Evolution of Regular and Random 2D Domain Structures and Shape of Isolated Domains in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3Lobov, A. I.; Shur, V. Ya.; Baturin, I. S.; Shishkin, E. I.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Shur, A. G.; Dolbilov, M. A.; Gallo, K.; Шур, В. Я.
2021Forward growth of ferroelectric domains with charged domain walls. Local switching on non-polar cutsShur, V. Y.; Pelegova, E. V.; Turygin, A. P.; Kosobokov, M. S.; Alikin, Y. M.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Investigation of magnetization reversal processes in Sm(Co, Fe, Cu, Zr)7.5 magnetsUrzhumtsev, A. N.; Andreev, S. V.; Sharin, M. K.; Moskalev, V. N.; Volegov, A. S.
2020Nanoscale Ferroelectricity in Pseudo-cubic Sol-gel Derived Barium Titanate - bismuth Ferrite (BaTiO3– BiFeO3) Solid SolutionsPakalniškis, A.; Lukowiak, A.; Niaura, G.; Głuchowski, P.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Alikin, D. O.; Abramov, A. S.; Zhaludkevich, A.; Silibin, M.; Kholkin, A. L.; Skaudžius, R.; Strek, W.; Kareiva, A.
2019Nanoscale Modification of Magnetic Properties for Effective Domain Wall PinningJin, T.; Tan, F.; Law, W. C.; Gan, W.; Soldatov, I.; Schäfer, R.; Ma, C.; Liu, X.; Lew, W. S.; Piramanayagam, S. N.
2019Polyacrylamide ferrogels with Ni nanowiresSafronov, A. P.; Stadler, B. J. H.; Um, J.; Kouhpanji, M. R. Z.; Masa, J. A.; Galyas, A. G.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.; Сафронов, А. П.
2013Simulation of three-dimensional micromagnetic structures in magnetically uniaxial films with in-plane anisotropy. Dynamics and structural reconstructionsZverev, V. V.; Filippov, B. N.