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Отображение результатов 60 до 79 из 387 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019E-beam domain patterning in thin plates of MgO-doped LiNbO3Pashnina, E. A.; Chezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2019E-beam domain patterning in thin plates of MgO-doped LiNbO3Vlasov, E. O.; Chezganov, D. S.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Pashnina, E. A.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Shur, V. Y.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Effect of reactive gas environment on domain structure and local switching of LiNbO3 thin films deposited on Si(001) by radio-frequency magnetron sputteringTurygin, A. P.; Abramov, A. S.; Alikin, D. O.; Dybov, V. A.; Kostyuchenko, A. V.; Sumets, M. P.; Ievlev, V. M.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Elastic and piezoelectric properties of diphenylalanine microtubes filled by ethanol moleculesMaslyanaya, K. V.; Yuzhakov, V. V.; Nuraeva, A. S.; Zelenovskiy, P. S.; Chezganov, D. S.; Shur, V. Ya.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Elastic and piezoelectric properties of diphenylalanine microtubes with different filling of nanochannelsYuzhakov, V.; Nuraeva, A.; Zelenovskiy, P.; Chezganov, D.; Kholkin, A.; Shur, V.; Шур, В. Я.
2012Electric field poling of lithium niobate crystals after proton-exchanged channel waveguide fabricationSmirnova, A. N.; Mushinskiy, S. S.; Baturin, I. S.; Azanova, I. S.; Shevtsov, D. I.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Ievlev, A. V.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2013Electrical properties and local domain structure of LiNbO3 thin film grown by ion beam sputtering methodIevlev, V.; Shur, V.; Sumets, M.; Kostyuchenko, A.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Electrical properties and polarization switching in polycrystalline BiFeO3 thin filmsAraujo, E. B.; Alikin, D. O.; Reis, S. P.; Shur, V. Ya.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Electrochemical Strain Microscopy of Li-ion battery cathodesAlikin, D. O.; Romanyuk, K. N.; Slautin, B. N.; Rosato, D.; Shur, V. Ya.; Tselev, A.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2016Electrochemical strain spectroscopy of lithium titanium spinel with different degree of chargeSlautin, B. N.; Alikin, D. O.; Pelegov, D. V.; Gorshkov, V. S.; Kholkin, A. L.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2016Electromechanical Measurements of Gd-Doped Ceria Thin Films by Laser InterferometryUshakov, A. D.; Yavo, N.; Mishuk, E.; Lubomirsky, I.; Shur, V. Ya.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2016Electromechanical Measurements of Gd-Doped Ceria Thin Films by Laser InterferometryUshakov, A. D.; Yavo, N.; Mishuk, E.; Lubomirsky, I.; Shur, V. Ya.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Electron beam domain patterning in thin plates of magnesium doped lithium niobatePashnina, E. A.; Chezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2019Electron beam periodical poling in [001]c-poled PMN-39PT single crystalChezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Pashnina, E. A.; Zelenovskiy, P. S.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Liu, X.; Zhao, Y.; Hu, Q.; Wei, X.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Electron beam poling of [001]c-poled PMN-39PT single crystalChezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Zelenovskiy, P. S.; Ushakov, A. D.; Nebogatikov, M. S.; Hu, Q.; Wei, X.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Electronic structure, charge transfer, and intrinsic luminescence of gadolinium oxide nanoparticles: Experiment and theoryZatsepin, D. A.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Zatsepin, A. F.; Kuznetsova, Y. A.; Mashkovtsev, M. A.; Rychkov, V. N.; Shur, V. Y.; Esin, A. A.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Шур, В. Я.
2016Electrostriction measurements in gadolinium doped cerium oxideUshakov, A. D.; Alikin, D. O.; Slautin, B. N.; Mishuk, E.; Lubomirsky, I.; Shur, V. Ya.; Kholkin, A. L.; Шур, В. Я.
2014Energy harvesting from nanofibers of hybrid organic ferroelectric dabcoHReO4Isakov, D.; De Matos, Gomes, E.; Almeida, B.; Kholkin, A. L.; Zelenovskiy, P.; Neradovskiy, M.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.
2022Enhanced antiferroelectric-like relaxor ferroelectric characteristic boosting energy storage performance of (Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3-based ceramics via defect engineeringZhang, L.; Jing, R.; Huang, Y.; Hu, Q.; Alikin, D. O.; Shur, V. Y.; Gao, J.; Wei, X.; Zhang, L.; Liu, G.; Yan, Y.; Jin, L.; Шур, В. Я.
2018Evolution of the polarized state in rhomboedrical 0.74Pb(Mg1/3Nb1/3)O3–0.26PbTiO3 single crystal at elevated temperatureZoteev, K. F.; Alikin, D. O.; Turygin, A. P.; Ushakov, A. D.; Hu, Q.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я.