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dc.contributor.authorChezganov, D. S.en
dc.contributor.authorVlasov, E. O.en
dc.contributor.authorGimadeeva, L. V.en
dc.contributor.authorNeradovskiy, M. M.en
dc.contributor.authorShur, V. Y.en
dc.contributor.authorШур, В. Я.ru
dc.identifier.citationDomain Shape Appeared in Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate as a Result of Ion Beam Irradiation / D. S. Chezganov, E. O. Vlasov, L. V. Gimadeeva, M. M. Neradovskiy, V. Y. Shur // Russian Forum of Young Scientists (RFYS) (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 27–28 April , 2017). – Dubai : Knowledge E, 2018. – KnE Engineering, 3 (5). – pp. 1-6. – DOI 10.18502/keg.v3i4.2219en
dc.description.abstractWe have studied the formation of isolated domains induced by ion beam irradiation in the stoichiometric lithium niobate (SLN) single crystals covered by surface dielectric layer. The unusual domain shape was revealed at the irradiated polar surface at the doses above 20 pC. The nested domain shape with hexagonal outer part and circle inner one has been distinguished. The domains visualization in the bulk showed the hexagonal domain shape in the depth. The obtained effect was attributed to backswitching under the action of electric field produced by space charge dipped to LN plate at the doses above 20 pC due to essential ion beam sputtering effect.en
dc.description.sponsorshipThe equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” UrFU was used. The research was made possible in part by Government of the Russian Federation (Act 211, Agreement 02.A03.21.0006) and by President of Russian Federation grant for young scientists (Contract 14.Y30.16.8441-MK).en
dc.publisherKnowledge Een
dc.relation.ispartofRussian Forum of Young Scientists (RFYS). — Ekaterinburg, 2018en
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution Licenseen
dc.titleDomain Shape Appeared in Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate as a Result of Ion Beam Irradiationen
dc.typeConference Paperen
dc.conference.nameRussian Forum of Young Scientists (RFYS)en
Располагается в коллекциях:Междисциплинарные конференции, семинары, сборники

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