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Title: Кто создал богиню Кардею?
Other Titles: Who has created the goddess Cardea?
Authors: Братухин, А. Ю.
Bratukhin, A.
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Уральский государственный университет
Citation: Братухин А. Ю. Кто создал богиню Кардею? / А. Ю. Братухин // Исседон - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Альманах по древней истории и культуре. — Екатеринбург : [Уральский государственный университет], 2005. — Т. 3. — С. 208-214.
Bratukhin A. Who has created the goddess Cardea? / A. Bratukhin // Issedon - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Almanac of Ancient History and Culture. — Ekaterinburg: The Ural State University Press, 2005. — Vol. 3. — P. 208-214.
Abstract: This paper argues that the appearance in the Tertullian’s texts of name Cardea, goddess, which, as W.F. Otto has proved, never existed at Romans, is caused not by a mistake of some copyists, but by mistake of apologist himself, which divided in his consciousness Carna, near whose temple, as he said, altars of the gods adventicii were, from Cardea, which belonged to gods publici, whose altars were on Palatin. Tertullian mentions Cardea in his earlier writings (Ad nat. II.15.5 and Idol. 15.5–6). In De cor. 13.9 he, as Ovid does (Ovid. Fast. VI.101– 128), names the goddess of door loops Carna. The universal character of phonetic changes d, l and n could cause appearance of two readings Carna and Card(e)a in the antiquity. However reading Cardea first has recorded by Tertullian.
Keywords: ИСТОРИЯ
ISSN: 1683-7037
Origin: Исседон - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Альманах по древней истории и культуре. 2005. Т. 3.
Issedon - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Almanac of Ancient History and Culture. 2005. Vol. 3.
Appears in Collections:Исседон : Альманах по древней истории и культуре

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