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Title: Tabula Siarensis и два акта сената памяти Германика Цезаря (историческое сопоставление и перевод)
Other Titles: Tabula Siarensis and two acts of the Senate in memory of Germanicus Caesar
Authors: Князев, П. А.
Kniazev, P.
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Уральский государственный университет
Citation: Князев П. А. Tabula Siarensis и два акта сената памяти Германика Цезаря (историческое сопоставление и перевод) / П. А. Князев // Исседон - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Альманах по древней истории и культуре. — Екатеринбург : [Уральский государственный университет], 2005. — Т. 3. — С. 139-171.
Kniazev P. Tabula Siarensis and two acts of the Senate in memory of Germanicus Caesar / P. Kniazev // Issedon - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Almanac of Ancient History and Culture. — Ekaterinburg: The Ural State University Press, 2005. — Vol. 3. — P. 139-171.
Abstract: Tabula Siarensis found in the early eighties of the 20th century in Spain has been little known in Russia until recently. In the article this important sample of the Roman religious and political culture (19 AD) is presented to the attention of every interested reader. A brief physical characteristic of the plate is given, the Latin text of the document and its translation into Russian are provided. The article reconstructs the formation history of two Senate’s decrees engraved on the bronze plates of the Tabula, collates the purposes of the enactment of the decrees in memory of Germanicus Caesar, analyses their subject meaning. To gain these results the order and some peculiarities of the Senate’s procedures in December, 19 AD are examined, as well as the substance of the terms iustitium, dies religiosus in the context of the Roman cult of the dead and posthumous glorification of the people familiar to the divus Augustus. The article proves that iustitium in memory of Germanicus was declared by the officials considerably late. On expiring of dies denicales the state mourning was terminated, but after a definite interval declared again. While Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre (20 AD) expresses the pattern judiciary reaction of Rome to the fact of the derogation of its “mightiness”, the memorial decrees of Tabula Siarensis became an excessive response of the Senate to the cruelty of the gods who “reft away” from the citizens their really soughtafter leader. The redundancy of such response caused the quick avoidance of the deep mourning in memory of Germanicus which was introduced after the “religious days” in memory of Octavianus Augustus’ sons. The work is based on the critical issue of the Tabula texts edited by A. Sánchez-Ostiz and published in 1999.
Keywords: ИСТОРИЯ
ISSN: 1683-7037
Origin: Исседон - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Альманах по древней истории и культуре. 2005. Т. 3.
Issedon - ΙΣΣΕΔΩΝ: Almanac of Ancient History and Culture. 2005. Vol. 3.
Appears in Collections:Исседон : Альманах по древней истории и культуре

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