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Название: Nanostructuring effects in soft magnetic films and film elements with magnetic impedance
Авторы: Vas'kovskii, V. O.
Savin, P. A.
Volchkov, S. O.
Lepalovskii, V. N.
Bukreev, D. A.
Buchkevich, A. A.
Дата публикации: 2013
Библиографическое описание: Nanostructuring effects in soft magnetic films and film elements with magnetic impedance / V. O. Vas'kovskii, P. A. Savin, S. O. Volchkov [et al.] // Technical Physics. — 2013. — Vol. 58. — № 1. — P. 105-110.
Аннотация: The magnetization reversal and magnetic impedance (MI) of films and film elements based on Fe19Ni81 and Fe72. 5Cu1. 1Nb1. 9Mo1. 5Si14. 2B8. 7 alloys with a varied thickness, heat-treatment temperature, and the number of thin Cu interlayers are studied. The dependences of the coercive force and the magnitude of MI on these parameters are found. Layered structuring is shown to be an effective method for improving the functional characteristics of MI elements. In elements containing nanocrystalline Fe19Ni81 layers, this is related to the restructuring of a magnetic structure; in elements containing amorphous Fe72. 5Cu1. 1Nb1. 9Mo1. 5Si14. 2B8. 7 layers, this improvement is likely to be caused by a decrease in the effective electrical resistivity. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd.
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/27258
Идентификатор SCOPUS: 84872870725
Идентификатор WOS: 000314044400014
Идентификатор PURE: 901529
ISSN: 1063-7842
DOI: 10.1134/S1063784213010222
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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