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Title: Сновидения Димитрия Кидониса, или литературная фикция опального царедворца
Other Titles: Dreams of Demetrios Cydones, or literary fiction of a retired courtier
Authors: Кущ, Т. В.
Kushch, T. V.
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Кущ Т. В. Сновидения Димитрия Кидониса, или литературная фикция опального царедворца / Т. В. Кущ // Античная древность и средние века. — Екатеринбург: [Изд-во Урал. ун-та], 2013. — Вып. 41: К 80-летию доктора исторических наук, профессора М. А. Поляковской. — С. 253-261.
Abstract: The article is dedicated to the analysis of two letters written by the eminent Byzantine statesman and intellectual Demetrios Cydones (ca. 1324–1397). Pretending to expose his night dreams Cydones depicts the everyday life of imperial court, the customs of courtier, as well as etiquette of the court ceremonial. However the genre of fiction permits him to introduce also some fantastic details in his description of an imperial reception. The author of the article studies these fragments and reveals there the elements of «Kaiserkritik», as well as detects traits of similarity of these «dream-letters» with the Renaissance literature.
Keywords: ВИЗАНТИЯ
ISSN: 0320-4472
Origin: Античная древность и средние века. 2013. Вып. 41: К 80-летию доктора исторических наук, профессора М. А. Поляковской
Appears in Collections:Античная древность и средние века

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