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Title: Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Culture as Mediators: The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employee Creativity
Authors: Wawan, I.
Esther, L.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Издательство Издательский Дом «Ажур»
Citation: Wawan I. Knowledge Sharing and Organizational Culture as Mediators: The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Employee Creativity / I. Wawan, L. Esther. — Текст : электронный // Весенние дни науки : сборник докладов Международной конференции студентов и молодых ученых (Екатеринбург, 20–22 апреля 2023 г.). — Екатеринбург : УрФУ, 2023. — C. 357-360.
Abstract: This study examines the mediating role of knowledge sharing and organizational culture in the relationship between transformational leadership and employee creativity. The survey was conducted on 362 employees in various industries in Indonesia. The findings suggest that transformational leadership positively affects employee creativity, mediated by knowledge sharing and organizational culture.
Conference name: Весенние дни науки
Conference date: 20.04.2023–22.04.2023
ISBN: 978-5-91256-595-3
Origin: Весенние дни науки : сборник докладов Международной конференции студентов и молодых ученых. — Екатеринбург, 2023
Appears in Collections:Конференции, семинары, сборники

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