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Title: The Trend of Green Technologies: A Comparative Analysis of The Impact on Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Countries
Authors: Faizova, A. R.
Efremova, V. P.
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Издательство Издательский Дом «Ажур»
Citation: Faizova A. R. The Trend of Green Technologies: A Comparative Analysis of The Impact on Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Countries / A. R. Faizova, V. P. Efremova. — Текст : электронный // Весенние дни науки : сборник докладов Международной конференции студентов и молодых ученых (Екатеринбург, 20–22 апреля 2023 г.). — Екатеринбург : УрФУ, 2023. — C. 1393-1396.
Abstract: This article presents a comparative analysis of the impact of the trend of the introduction of green technologies on economic growth in developed and developing countries. Using a panel set of data on 15 developed and 15 developing countries for the period from 2000 to 2021, the relationship between the indicators of "green" technologies and economic growth is analyzed. The paper uses an econometric research method using FE and RE models. The main conclusions of the work are that green technologies will be unevenly implemented in different countries depending on the growth, their effect on the economic growth indicators of countries depends on many factors that will be considered in future studies.
Conference name: Весенние дни науки
Conference date: 20.04.2023–22.04.2023
ISBN: 978-5-91256-595-3
Origin: Весенние дни науки : сборник докладов Международной конференции студентов и молодых ученых. — Екатеринбург, 2023
Appears in Collections:Конференции, семинары, сборники

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