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Title: Digitalization As a Growth Factor of ˋˋSoft Power'' in the Context of Globalization
Authors: Rusakova, O. F.
Gribovod, E. G.
Vakhrusheva, E. A.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Knowledge E
Citation: Rusakova O. F. Digitalization As a Growth Factor of ˋˋSoft Power'' in the Context of Globalization / O. F. Rusakova, E. G. Gribovod, E. A. Vakhrusheva // XXIII International Conference "Сulture, personality, society in the conditions of digitalization: methodology and experience of empirical research conference" (Ekaterinburg, Russia, 19–21 March, 2020). – Dubai : Knowledge E, 2021. – pp. 777–784. – DOI: 10.18502/kss.v5i2.8428
Abstract: Digitalization as a new theoretical concept is actively used by researchers to evaluate economic, socio-political and other processes in a contemporary society. Digitalization, infiltrating the system of international relations, changes not only the principles of international communications, but also its tools. Peculiarities, risks, and prospects of digitalization in particular spheres and society as a whole, are actively explored in various branches of science, however, digitalization of economy, business processes, social institutions, society and humans remain priority issues. To analyze digitalization, academic science uses comparative and system analysis. In particular, to determine the tools that contribute to the growth of “soft power” in the digital society, secondary data analysis is used. In the context of digital transformation of the system of international relations, the scope and range of “soft power” tools are expanding. In addition, digitalization is adapting the tools of “soft power” to the modern system of international relations, so one of the important tools and factors in the growth of “soft power” becomes digital diplomacy. The authors of the article define “digital diplomacy” as a foreign policy instrument, which implies flexible forms of interaction between actors in international relations using new forms of mass communication and network technologies with the aim of influencing the world discourse on pressing issues, promoting national interests and producing an operational response to the latest information challenges. It has been established that the growth of the country’s “soft power” correlates with the introduction of digitalization tools, however, soft digital influence can lead to negative consequences, namely the appearance and mass distribution of fake news, manipulation of the global agenda, and digital inequality, inter alia. The development of objective criteria and methods for distinguishing between legitimate and illegitimate digital instruments of “soft power” of a country is a further direction in the research of the phenomenon of “soft power” digitalization.
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Conference name: XXIII International Conference "Culture, Personality, Society in the Conditions of Digitalization: Methodology and Experience of Empirical Research Conference"
Conference date: 19.03.2020-21.03.2020
ISSN: 2518-668X
DOI: 10.18502/kss.v5i2.8428
Origin: XXIII International Conference "Culture, Personality, Society in the Conditions of Digitalization: Methodology and Experience of Empirical Research Conference". — Ekaterinburg, 2020
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