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dc.contributor.authorGetman, A. A.en
dc.contributor.authorPavlova, I. A.en
dc.contributor.authorFarafontova, E. P.en
dc.identifier.citationGetman A. A. The use of technogenic raw materials to produce a high-alumina chamotte / A. A. Getman, I. A. Pavlova, E. P. Farafontova // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2020. — Vol. 966. — Iss. 1. — 12028.en
dc.description.abstractWhen fused corundum is crushed, a finely dispersed powder is formed with an Al2O3 content of 93-95%, in the form of substandard material. It is advantageous to utilize this powder to obtain high-alumina chamotte with Al2O3 content of more than 62%. High-alumina aggregate (chamotte) was obtained by semi-dry technology with intermediate briquette molding from a mixture of corundum dispersed powder and enriched kaolin. Based on a final Al2O3 content of 65 wt. % the batch composition of the mass to produce a high alumina aggregate (chamotte) was calculated. From a mixture of dispersed corundum powder and kaolin moistened with a 5-7% technical lignosulfonate solution with a density of 1050 kg•m-3, a briquette was formed at a specific pressing pressure of 15-20 MPa. The briquette was fired at a temperature of 1700 C. The fired briquette had a strength of 164 to 193 MPa. The water absorption of briquettes was 11-12%. The phase composition of the briquette is represented mainly by corundum and mullite. The enriched kaolin did not show sintering effect on fine corundum. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.en
dc.publisherIOP Publishing Ltden
dc.sourceIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineeringen
dc.titleThe use of technogenic raw materials to produce a high-alumina chamotteen
dc.typeConference Paperen
dc.conference.name15th International Conference on Industrial Manufacturing and Metallurgy, ICIMM 2020en
dc.conference.date18 June 2020 through 19 June 2020-
local.contributor.employeeGetman, A.A., Institute of New Materials and Technologies, Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B N Yeltsin, 19, Mira str., Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federationen
local.contributor.employeePavlova, I.A., Institute of New Materials and Technologies, Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B N Yeltsin, 19, Mira str., Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federationen
local.contributor.employeeFarafontova, E.P., Institute of New Materials and Technologies, Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B N Yeltsin, 19, Mira str., Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federationen
local.contributor.departmentInstitute of New Materials and Technologies, Ural Federal University Named after the First President of Russia B N Yeltsin, 19, Mira str., Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federationen
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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