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Название: The SPHERE Infrared Survey for Exoplanets (SHINE): I. Sample Definition and Target Characterization
Авторы: Desidera, S.
Chauvin, G.
Bonavita, M.
Messina, S.
Lecoroller, H.
Schmidt, T.
Gratton, R.
Lazzoni, C.
Meyer, M.
Schlieder, J.
Cheetham, A.
Hagelberg, J.
Bonnefoy, M.
Feldt, M.
Lagrange, A. -M.
Langlois, M.
Vigan, A.
Tan, T. G.
Hambsch, F. -J.
Millward, M.
Alcalá, J.
Benatti, S.
Brandner, W.
Carson, J.
Covino, E.
Delorme, P.
D'Orazi, V.
Janson, M.
Rigliaco, E.
Beuzit, J. -L.
Biller, B.
Boccaletti, A.
Dominik, C.
Cantalloube, F.
Fontanive, C.
Galicher, R.
Henning, T.
Lagadec, E.
Ligi, R.
Maire, A. -L.
Menard, F.
Mesa, D.
Müller, A.
Samland, M.
Schmid, H. M.
Sissa, E.
Turatto, M.
Udry, S.
Zurlo, A.
Asensio-Torres, R.
Kopytova, T.
Rickman, E.
Abe, L.
Antichi, J.
Baruffolo, A.
Baudoz, P.
Baudrand, J.
Blanchard, P.
Bazzon, A.
Buey, T.
Carbillet, M.
Carle, M.
Charton, J.
Cascone, E.
Claudi, R.
Costille, A.
Deboulbé, A.
De Caprio, V.
Dohlen, K.
Fantinel, D.
Feautrier, P.
Fusco, T.
Gigan, P.
Giro, E.
Gisler, D.
Gluck, L.
Hubin, N.
Hugot, E.
Jaquet, M.
Kasper, M.
Madec, F.
Magnard, Y.
Martinez, P.
Maurel, D.
Le Mignant, D.
Möller-Nilsson, O.
Llored, M.
Moulin, T.
Origné, A.
Pavlov, A.
Perret, D.
Petit, C.
Pragt, J.
Puget, P.
Rabou, P.
Ramos, J.
Rigal, F.
Rochat, S.
Roelfsema, R.
Rousset, G.
Roux, A.
Salasnich, B.
Sauvage, J. -F.
Sevin, A.
Soenke, C.
Stadler, E.
Suarez, M.
Weber, L.
Wildi, F.
Дата публикации: 2021
Издатель: EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences
Библиографическое описание: The SPHERE Infrared Survey for Exoplanets (SHINE): I. Sample Definition and Target Characterization / S. Desidera, G. Chauvin, M. Bonavita et al. — DOI 10.1117/12.2207781 // Astronomy and Astrophysics. — 2021. — Vol. 651. — A70.
Аннотация: Large surveys with new-generation high-contrast imaging instruments are needed to derive the frequency and properties of exoplanet populations with separations from ~5 to 300 au. A careful assessment of the stellar properties is crucial for a proper understanding of when, where, and how frequently planets form, and how they evolve. The sensitivity of detection limits to stellar age makes this a key parameter for direct imaging surveys. Aims. We describe the SpHere INfrared survey for Exoplanets (SHINE), the largest direct imaging planet-search campaign initiated at the VLT in 2015 in the context of the SPHERE Guaranteed Time Observations of the SPHERE consortium. In this first paper we present the selection and the properties of the complete sample of stars surveyed with SHINE, focusing on the targets observed during the first phase of the survey (from February 2015 to February 2017). This early sample composed of 150 stars is used to perform a preliminary statistical analysis of the SHINE data, deferred to two companion papers presenting the survey performance, main discoveries, and the preliminary statistical constraints set by SHINE. Methods. Based on a large database collecting the stellar properties of all young nearby stars in the solar vicinity (including kinematics, membership to moving groups, isochrones, lithium abundance, rotation, and activity), we selected the original sample of 800 stars that were ranked in order of priority according to their sensitivity for planet detection in direct imaging with SPHERE. The properties of the stars that are part of the early statistical sample wererevisited, including for instance measurements from the Gaia Data Release 2. Rotation periods were derived for the vast majority of the late-type objects exploiting TESS light curves and dedicated photometric observations. Results. The properties of individual targets and of the sample as a whole are presented. © ESO 2021.
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/111539
Условия доступа: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Идентификатор РИНЦ: 46910314
Идентификатор SCOPUS: 85110441170
Идентификатор WOS: 000756538900003
Идентификатор PURE: 23003805
ISSN: 0004-6361
DOI: 10.1117/12.2207781
Сведения о поддержке: SPHERE is an instrument designed and built by a consortium consisting of IPAG (Grenoble, France), MPIA (Heidelberg, Germany), LAM (Marseille, France), LESIA (Paris, France), Laboratoire Lagrange (Nice, France), INAF – Osservatorio di Padova (Italy), Observatoire de Genève (Switzerland), ETH Zürich (Switzerland), NOVA (Netherlands), ONERA (France) and ASTRON (Netherlands) in collaboration with ESO. SPHERE was funded by ESO, with additional contributions from CNRS (France), MPIA (Germany), INAF (Italy), FINES (Switzerland) and NOVA (Netherlands). SPHERE also received funding from the European Commission Sixth and Seventh Framework Programmes as part of the Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy (OPTICON) under grant number RII3-Ct-2004-001566 for FP6 (2004–2008), grant number 226 604 for FP7 (2009–2012) and grant number 312430 for FP7 (2013–2016). This research has made use of the SIMBAD database and Vizier services, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France and of the Washington Double Star Catalog maintained at the US Naval Observatory. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. This paper includes data collected with the TESS mission, obtained from the MAST data archive at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). Funding for the TESS mission is provided by the NASA Explorer Program. STScI is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5–26555. This paper has made use of data products available in ESO archive. Program ID: 60.A-9036(A); 072.C-0488(E) (PI Mayor), 074.C-0364(A) (PI Robichon), 074.C-0037(A) (PI Gunther), 075.C-0202(A) (PI Gunther), 075.C-0689(A) (PI Galland), 076.C-0010(A) (PI Gunther), 077.C-0012(A) (PI Gunther), 077.C-0295(D) (PI Galland), 078.D-0245(C) (PI Dall), 079.C-0046(A) (PI Gunther), 080.D-0151(A) (PI Hatzes), 080.C-0712(A) (PI Desort), 180.C-0886(A) (PI Bonfils), 082.C-0718(B) (PI Bonfils), 082.C-0427(A) (PI Doellinger), 082.C-0390(A) (PI Weise), 183.C-0437(A) (PI Bonfils), 083.C-0794(A) (PI Chauvin), 084.C-1039(A) (PI Chauvin), 184.C-0815(B) (PI Desort), 089.C-0732(A) (PI Lo Curto), 191.C-0873(D) (PI Bonfils), 192.C-0224(A) (PI Lagrange), 097.C-0864(B) (PI Lannier), 098.C-0739(A) (PI Lagrange), 099.C-0205(A) (PI Lagrange), 099.C-0458(A) (PI Lo Curto), 1101.C-0557(A) (PI Lagrange). We have used data from the WASP public archive in this research. The WASP consortium comprises of the University of Cambridge, Keele University, University of Leicester, The Open University, The Queen’s University Belfast, St. Andrews University and the Isaac Newton Group. Funding for WASP comes from the consortium universities and from the UK’s Science and Technology Facilities Council. Based on data retrieved from the SOPHIE archive at Observatoire de Haute-Provence (OHP), available at http://atlas.obs-hp.fr/sophie/. We thank the anonymous referee for useful comments. S.D., V.D., D.M. and R.G. acknowledge the support by INAF/Frontiera through the “Progetti Premiali” funding scheme of the Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research, the PRIN-INAF 2019 “Planetary systems at young ages” (PLATEA) and the ASI-INAF agreement n.2018-16-HH.0. AV acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 757561). A.M.L. acknowledges funding from Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France) under contract number ANR-14-CE33-0018. J.C. was supported by SC Space Grant and Fulbright Colombia. M.B. acknowledges funding by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) grant no. ST/M001229.
Карточка проекта CORDIS: H2020: 757561
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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