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Название: Relative alignment between dense molecular cores and ambient magnetic field: The synergy of numerical models and observations
Авторы: Chen, C. -Y.
Behrens, E. A.
Washington, J. E.
Fissel, L. M.
Friesen, R. K.
Li, Z. -Y.
Pineda, J. E.
Ginsburg, A.
Kirk, H.
Scibelli, S.
Alves, F.
Redaelli, E.
Caselli, P.
Punanova, A.
Di, Francesco, J.
Rosolowsky, E.
Offner, S. S. R.
Martin, P. G.
Chacon-Tanarro, A.
Chen, H. H. -H.
Chen, M. C. -Y.
Keown, J.
Seo, Y.
Shirley, Y.
Arce, H. G.
Goodman, A. A.
Matzner, C. D.
Myers, P. C.
Singh, A.
Дата публикации: 2020
Издатель: Oxford University Press
Библиографическое описание: Relative alignment between dense molecular cores and ambient magnetic field: The synergy of numerical models and observations / C. -Y. Chen, E. A. Behrens, J. E. Washington, et al. — DOI 10.1093/MNRAS/STAA835 // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. — 2020. — Vol. 494. — Iss. 2. — P. 1971-1987.
Аннотация: The role played by magnetic field during star formation is an important topic in astrophysics. We investigate the correlation between the orientation of star-forming cores (as defined by the core major axes) and ambient magnetic field directions in (i) a 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation, (ii) synthetic observations generated from the simulation at different viewing angles, and (iii) observations of nearby molecular clouds. We find that the results on relative alignment between cores and background magnetic field in synthetic observations slightly disagree with those measured in fully 3D simulation data, which is partly because cores identified in projected 2D maps tend to coexist within filamentary structures, while 3D cores are generally more rounded. In addition, we examine the progression of magnetic field from pc to core scale in the simulation, which is consistent with the anisotropic core formation model that gas preferably flows along the magnetic field towards dense cores. When comparing the observed cores identified from the Green Bank Ammonia Survey and Planck polarizationinferredmagnetic field orientations,we find that the relative core-field alignment has a regional dependence among different clouds. More specifically, we find that dense cores in the Taurus molecular cloud tend to align perpendicular to the background magnetic field, while those in Perseus and Ophiuchus tend to have random (Perseus) or slightly parallel (Ophiuchus) orientations with respect to the field.We argue that this feature of relative core-field orientation could be used to probe the relative significance of the magnetic field within the cloud. © 2020 Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
Ключевые слова: ISM: MAGNETIC FIELDS
URI: http://elar.urfu.ru/handle/10995/103269
Условия доступа: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Идентификатор SCOPUS: 85096974966
Идентификатор PURE: 13178852
ISSN: 358711
DOI: 10.1093/MNRAS/STAA835
Сведения о поддержке: The authors would like to thank Juan Soler, who originally provided the smoothed Planck polarization maps, and Mark Heyer for encouraging critiques that improved the paper. C-YC, LMF, and Z-YL acknowledge support from National Science Foundation (of United States) (NSF) grant AST-1815784. EAB was supported by a REU summer research fellowship at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), and LMF acknowledges support as a Jansky Fellow of NRAO. NRAO is a facility of the NSF (operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.). LMF and Z-YL acknowledge support from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (of the United States) (NASA) 80NSSC18K0481. Z-YL was supported in part by NASA 80NSSC18K1095 and NSF AST-1716259. AP acknowledges the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation project 19-72-00064. SSRO and HH-HC acknowledge support from a Cottrell Scholar Award from Research Corporation. AC-T acknowledges support from Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (of Spain) (MINECO) project AYA2016-79006-P. This research made use of ASTROPY (Astropy Collaboration 2013; Price-Whelan et al. 2018) and ASTRODENDRO, a PYTHON package to compute dendrograms of astronomical data. The authors thank the staff at the Green Bank Telescope for their help facilitating the Green Bank Ammonia Survey. The Green Bank Observatory is a facility of the NSF operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.
Располагается в коллекциях:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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