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dc.contributor.authorKumar, A.en
dc.contributor.authorJain, A.en
dc.contributor.authorSayyed, M. I.en
dc.contributor.authorLaariedh, F.en
dc.contributor.authorMahmoud, K. A.en
dc.contributor.authorNebhen, J.en
dc.contributor.authorKhandaker, M. U.en
dc.contributor.authorFaruque, M. R. I.en
dc.identifier.citationTailoring bismuth borate glasses by incorporating PbO/GeO2 for protection against nuclear radiation / A. Kumar, A. Jain, M. I. Sayyed, et al. — DOI 10.1038/s41598-021-87256-1 // Scientific Reports. — 2021. — Vol. 11. — Iss. 1. — 7784.en
dc.identifier.otherAll Open Access, Gold, Green3
dc.description.abstractNuclear radiation shielding capabilities for a glass series 20Bi2O3 − xPbO − (80 − 2x)B2O3 − xGeO2 (where x = 5, 10, 20, and 30 mol%) have been investigated using the Phy-X/PSD software and Monte Carlo N-Particle transport code. The mass attenuation coefficients (μm) of selected samples have been estimated through XCOM dependent Phy-X/PSD program and MCNP-5 code in the photon-energy range 0.015–15 MeV. So obtained μm values are used to calculate other γ-ray shielding parameters such as half-value layer (HVL), mean-free-path (MFP), etc. The calculated μm values were found to be 71.20 cm2/g, 76.03 cm2/g, 84.24 cm2/g, and 90.94 cm2/g for four glasses S1 to S4, respectively. The effective atomic number (Zeff)values vary between 69.87 and 17.11 for S1 or 75.66 and 29.11 for S4 over 0.05–15 MeV of photon-energy. Sample S4, which has a larger PbO/GeO2 of 30 mol% in the bismuth-borate glass, possesses the lowest MFP and HVL, providing higher radiation protection efficiency compared to all other combinations. It shows outperformance while compared the calculated parameters (HVL and MFP) with the commercial shielding glasses, different alloys, polymers, standard shielding concretes, and ceramics. Geometric Progression (G-P) was applied for evaluating the energy absorption and exposure buildup factors at energies 0.015–15 MeV with penetration depths up to 40 mfp. The buildup factors showed dependence on the MFP and photon-energy as well. The studied samples' neutron shielding behavior was also evaluated by calculating the fast neutron removal cross-section (ΣR), i.e. found to be 0.139 cm−1 for S1, 0.133 cm−1 for S2, 0.128 cm−1 for S3, and 0.12 cm−1 for S4. The results reveal a great potential for using a glass composite sample S4 in radiation protection applications. © 2021, The Author(s).en
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work has been supported by the Research Universiti Grant, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Geran Uni-versiti Penyelidikan (GUP), code: 2018-134.en
dc.publisherNature Researchen
dc.sourceSci. Rep.2
dc.sourceScientific Reportsen
dc.titleTailoring bismuth borate glasses by incorporating PbO/GeO2 for protection against nuclear radiationen
local.contributor.employeeKumar, A., University College, Benra, Dhuri, Punjab 148024, India, Department of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab 147002, India
local.contributor.employeeJain, A., University College, Benra, Dhuri, Punjab 148024, India, Department of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab 147002, India
local.contributor.employeeSayyed, M.I., Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Isra University, Amman, 11622, Jordan, Department of Nuclear Medicine Research, Institute for Research and Medical Consultations (IRMC), Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU), PO. Box 1982, Dammam, 31441, Saudi Arabia
local.contributor.employeeLaariedh, F., Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, 47512, Saudi Arabia, Tribology & Materials for Industry Laboratory, Bron, 69500, France
local.contributor.employeeMahmoud, K.A., Ural Federal University, St. Mira, 19, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation, Nuclear Material Authority, Maadi, Cairo, 530, Egypt
local.contributor.employeeNebhen, J., College of Computer Science and Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, PO.Box: 151, Alkharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia
local.contributor.employeeKhandaker, M.U., Center for Applied Physics and Radiation Technologies, School of Engineering and Technology, Sunway University, Bandar Sunway, Selangor Darul Ehsan 47500, Malaysia
local.contributor.employeeFaruque, M.R.I., Space Science Centre (ANGKASA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Selangor 43600, Malaysia
local.contributor.departmentUniversity College, Benra, Dhuri, Punjab 148024, India
local.contributor.departmentDepartment of Physics, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab 147002, India
local.contributor.departmentDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, Isra University, Amman, 11622, Jordan
local.contributor.departmentDepartment of Nuclear Medicine Research, Institute for Research and Medical Consultations (IRMC), Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU), PO. Box 1982, Dammam, 31441, Saudi Arabia
local.contributor.departmentDepartment of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tabuk, Tabuk, 47512, Saudi Arabia
local.contributor.departmentTribology & Materials for Industry Laboratory, Bron, 69500, France
local.contributor.departmentUral Federal University, St. Mira, 19, Yekaterinburg, 620002, Russian Federation
local.contributor.departmentNuclear Material Authority, Maadi, Cairo, 530, Egypt
local.contributor.departmentCollege of Computer Science and Engineering, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, PO.Box: 151, Alkharj, 11942, Saudi Arabia
local.contributor.departmentCenter for Applied Physics and Radiation Technologies, School of Engineering and Technology, Sunway University, Bandar Sunway, Selangor Darul Ehsan 47500, Malaysia
local.contributor.departmentSpace Science Centre (ANGKASA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Selangor 43600, Malaysia
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