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Title: Detection of new methanol maser transitions associated with G358.93-0.03
Authors: MacLeod, G. C.
Sugiyama, K.
Hunter, T. R.
Quick, J.
Baan, W.
Breen, S. L.
Brogan, C. L.
Burns, R. A.
Caratti, O
Garatti, A.
Chen, X.
Chibueze, J. O.
Houde, M.
Kaczmarek, J. F.
Linz, H.
Rajabi, F.
Saito, Y.
Schmidl, S.
Sobolev, A. M.
Stecklum, B.
Van Den Heever, S. P.
Yonekura, Y.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Citation: Detection of new methanol maser transitions associated with G358.93-0.03 / G. C. MacLeod, K. Sugiyama, T. R. Hunter, et al. — DOI 10.1093/mnras/stz2417 // Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. — 2019. — Vol. 489. — Iss. 3. — P. 3981-3989.
Abstract: We report the detection of new 12.178, 12.229, 20.347, and 23.121 GHz methanol masers in the massive star-forming region G358.93-0.03, which are flaring on similarly short timescales (days) as the 6.668 GHz methanol masers also associated with this source. The brightest 12.178 GHz channel increased by a factor of over 700 in just 50 d. The masers found in the 12.229 and 20.347 GHz methanol transitions are the first ever reported and this is only the fourth object to exhibit associated 23.121 GHz methanol masers. The 12.178 GHz methanol maser emission appears to have a higher flux density than that of the 6.668 GHz emission, which is unusual. No associated near-infrared flare counterpart was found, suggesting that the energy source of the flare is deeply embedded. © 2019 The Author(s).
Keywords: ISM: INDIVIDUAL OBJECTS: MMB G358.931-0.030
Access: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
SCOPUS ID: 85075134169
WOS ID: 000489288600077
PURE ID: 11122914
ISSN: 358711
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz2417
Appears in Collections:Научные публикации ученых УрФУ, проиндексированные в SCOPUS и WoS CC

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