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Showing results 1 to 20 of 64  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Aggregates grain size and press rate dependence of the shielding parameters for some concretesMahmoud, K. A.; Tashlykov, O. L.; El, Wakil, A. F.; El, Aassy, I. E.
2022Assessment of the usability conditions of Sb2O3-PbO-B2O3 glasses for shielding purposes in some medical radioisotope and a wide gamma-ray energy spectrumALMisned, G.; Sen, Baykal, D.; Kilic, G.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.
2022Binary contributions of Dy3+ ions on the mechanical and radiation resistance properties of oxyfluoroborotellurite Dyx-glassesRammah, Y. S.; Issa, S. A. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Badawi, A.; Ene, A.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2023A closer look at the structure and gamma-ray shielding properties of newly designed boro -tellurite glasses reinforced by bismuth (III) oxideThabit, H. A.; Ismail, A. K.; Yusof, N. N.; Sayyed, M. I.; Mahmoud, K. G.; Abdullahi, I.; Hashim, S.
2021A Closer Look on Nuclear Radiation Shielding Properties of Eu3+ Doped Heavy Metal Oxide Glasses: Impact of Al2O3/PbO SubstitutionAlmisned, G.; Tekin, H. O.; Ene, A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Kilic, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Attenuation Characteristics of Some Sliding Bearing Alloys under 0.015–15 MeV Gamma-Ray ExposureAlgethami, M.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Issa, S. A. M.; Tekin, H. O.; Ene, A.; Pyshkina, M.; Rashad, M.; Almisned, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.
2022Design and Gamma-Ray Attenuation Features of New Concrete Materials for Low- and Moderate-Photons Energy Protection ApplicationsAloraini, D. A.; Hanfi, M. Y.; Sayyed, M. I.; Naseer, K. A.; Almuqrin, A. H.; Tamayo, P.; Tashlykov, O. L.; Mahmoud, K. A.
2022A Detailed Investigation on Highly Dense CuZr Bulk Metallic Glasses for Shielding PurposesTekin, H. O.; Almisned, G.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, S. A. M.; Kilic, G.; Rammah, Y. S.; Lakshminarayana, G.; Ene, A.
2022Determination of gamma-ray transmission factors of WO3-TeO2-B2O3 glasses using MCNPX Monte Carlo code for shielding and protection purposesALMisned, G.; Sen, Baykal, D.; Susoy, G.; Kilic, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Ene, A.; Tekin, H. O.
2022El efecto del aditivo CuO en las características mecánicas y de protección contra la radiación del sistema de vidrio Li2B4O7 - Pb2O3Mahmoud, K. A.; Sayyed, M. I.; Alhuthali, A. M. S.; Hanfi, M. Y.
2021Enhancement of Gamma-Ray Shielding Properties in Cobalt-Doped Heavy Metal Borate Glasses: The Role of Lanthanum Oxide ReinforcementAlmisned, G.; Elshami, W.; Issa, S. A. M.; Susoy, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Algethami, M.; Rammah, Y. S.; Ene, A.; Al-Ghamdi, S. A.; Ibraheem, A. A.; Tekin, H. O.
2022Evaluation of the Radiation-Protective Properties of Bi (Pb)–Sr–Ca–Cu–O Ceramic Prepared at Different Temperatures with Silver InclusionHannachi, E.; Mahmoud, K. A.; Almuqrin, A. H.; Sayyed, M. I.; Slimani, Y.
2022Fabrication, physical, structure characteristics, neutron and radiation shielding capacity of high-density neodymio-cadmium lead-borate glasses: Nd2O3/CdO/PbO/B2O3/Na2OZakaly, H. M. H.; Tekin, H. O.; Issa, S. A. M.; Henaish, A. M. A.; Ahmed, E. M.; Rammah, Y. S.
2023Fe-nanoparticle effect on polypropylene for effective radiation protection: Simulation and theoretical studyAlshipli, M.; Aladailah, M. W.; Marashdeh, M. W.; Oglat, A. A.; Akhdar, H.; Tashlykov, O. L.; Banat, R.; Walaa, A. -T.
2020The first steps of interstellar phosphorus chemistryChantzos, J.; Rivilla, V. M.; Vasyunin, A.; Redaelli, E.; Bizzocchi, L.; Fontani, F.; Caselli, P.
2021Gamma-Ray Protection Properties of Bismuth-Silicate Glasses Against Some Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine Radioisotopes: A Comprehensive StudyAlmisned, G.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Issa, S. A. M.; Ene, A.; Kilic, G.; Bawazeer, O.; Almatar, A.; Shamsi, D.; Rabaa, E.; Sideig, Z.; Tekin, H. O.
2023Gamma-ray shielding analysis using the experimental measurements for copper(ii) sulfate-doped polyepoxide resinsMahmoud, K. A.; Binmujlli, M. M.; Marashdeh, M. W.; Aljaafreh, M. J.; Saleh, A.; Hanfi, M. Y.
2020Germanate Oxide Impacts on the Optical and Gamma Radiation Shielding Properties of TeO2-ZnO-Li2O Glass SystemKaky, K. M.; Sayyed, M. I.; Ati, A. A.; Mhareb, M. H. A.; Mahmoud, K. A.; Baki, S. O.; Mahdi, M. A.
2021Glass Fabrication Using Ceramic and Porcelain Recycled Waste and Lithium Niobate: Physical, Structural, Optical and Nuclear Radiation Attenuation PropertiesZakaly, H. M. H.; Saudi, H. A.; Tekin, H. O.; Rashad, M.; Issa, S. A. M.; Rammah, Y. S.; Elazaka, A. I.; Hessien, M. M.; Ene, A.
2022Heavy metal oxide (HMO) glasses as an effective member of glass shield family: A comprehensive characterization on gamma ray shielding properties of various structuresTekin, H. O.; Susoy, G.; Issa, S. A. M.; Ene, A.; ALMisned, G.; Rammah, Y. S.; Ali, F. T.; Algethami, M.; Zakaly, H. M. H.