Browsing by Subject BOND STRENGTH (CHEMICAL)
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2016 | Electronic structure and photoluminescence properties of Zn-ion implanted silica glass before and after thermal annealing | Zatsepin, D. A.; Zatsepin, A. F.; Boukhvalov, D. W.; Kurmaev, E. Z.; Pchelkina, Z. V.; Gavrilov, N. V. |
2020 | Interaction of graphene oxide with barium titanate in composite: XPS and DFT studies | Boukhvalov, D. W.; Zhidkov, I. S.; Kukharenko, A. I.; Cholakh, S. O.; Menéndez, J. L.; Fernández-García, L.; Kurmaev, E. Z. |
2022 | Physical Characterization and Crystallization Kinetics of Amorphous BiSe Chalcogenide Glasses | Ahmad, M.; Aly, K. A.; Dahshan, A.; Saddeek, Y.; Zakaly, H. M. H.; Elnaeim, A. M. A.; Ene, A. |