Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике MAGNETISM

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Отображение результатов 2 до 21 из 148 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016Band filling dependence of the Curie temperature in CrO2Solovyev, I. V.; Kashin, I. V.; Mazurenko, V. V.
2016The Behavior of a Magnetic Filament in Flow under the Influence of an External Magnetic FieldLüsebrink, D.; Cerdà, J. J.; Sánchez, P. A.; Kantorovich, S. S.; Sintes, T.
2016Biasing a ferronematic-a new way to detect weak magnetic fieldTomašovičová, N.; Kováč, J.; Raikher, Y.; Éber, N.; Tóth-Katona, T.; Gdovinová, V.; Jadzyn, J.; Pinčák, R.; Kopčanský, P.
2010Bidisperse monolayers: Theory and computer simulationsMinina, E.; Kantorovich, S.; Cerda, J.; Holm, C.
2022Biological Impact of γ-Fe2O3 Magnetic Nanoparticles Obtained by Laser Target Evaporation: Focus on Magnetic Biosensor ApplicationsFadeyev, F. A.; Blyakhman, F. A.; Safronov, A. P.; Melnikov, G. Y.; Nikanorova, A. D.; Novoselova, I. P.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2018Cavity optomechanics of topological spin textures in magnetic insulatorsProskurin, I.; Ovchinnikov, A. S.; Kishine, J. -I.; Stamps, R. L.
2022A Challenge toward Novel Quaternary Sulfides SrLnCuS3 (Ln = La, Nd, Tm): Unraveling Synthetic Pathways, Structures and PropertiesRuseikina, A. V.; Grigoriev, M. V.; Solovyov, L. A.; Chernyshev, V. A.; Aleksandrovsky, A. S.; Krylov, A. S.; Krylova, S. N.; Shestakov, N. P.; Velikanov, D. A.; Garmonov, A. A.; Matigorov, A. V.; Eberle, M. A.; Schleid, T.; Safin, D. A.
2013Chelyabinsk airburst, damage assessment, meteorite recovery, and characterizationPopova, O. P.; Jenniskens, P.; Emel'yanenko, V.; Kartashova, A.; Biryukov, E.; Khaibrakhmanov, S.; Shuvalov, V.; Rybnov, Y.; Dudorov, A.; Grokhovsky, V. I.; Badyukov, D. D.; Yin, Q.-Z.; Gural, P. S.; Albers, J.; Granvik, M.; Evers, L. G.; Kuiper, J.; Kharlamov, V.; Solovyov, A.; Rusakov, Y. S.; Korotkiy, S.; Serdyuk, I.; Korochantsev, A. V.; Larionov, M. Yu.; Glazachev, D.; Mayer, A. E.; Gisler, G.; Gladkovsky, S. V.; Wimpenny, J.; Sanborn, M. E.; Yamakawa, A.; Verosub, K. L.; Rowland, D. J.; Roeske, S.; Botto, N. W.; Friedrich, J. M.; Zolensky, M. E.; Le, L.; Ross, D.; Ziegler, K.; Nakamura, T.; Ahn, I.; Lee, J. I.; Zhou, Q.; Li, X.-H.; Li, Q.-L.; Liu, Y.; Tang, G.-Q.; Hiroi, T.; Sears, D.; Weinstein, I. A.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Ishchenko, A. V.; Schmitt-Kopplin, P.; Hertkorn, N.; Nagao, K.; Haba, M. K.; Komatsu, M.; Mikouchi, T.
2015Closed-loop magnetic separation of nanoparticles on a packed bed of spheresMagnet, C.; Akouala, M.; Kuzhir, P.; Bossis, G.; Zubarev, A.; Wereley, N. M.
2021Composite Polymer Hydrogels with high and Reversible Elongation under Magnetic StimuliVazquez-Perez, F. J.; Gila-Vilchez, C.; Duran, J. D. G.; Zubarev, A.; Alvarez de Cienfuegos, L.; Rodriguez-Arco, L.; Lopez-Lopez, M. T.
2004Computation of Stripes in Cuprates within the LDA + U MethodAnisimov, V. I.; Korotin, M. A.; Mylnikova, A. S.; Kozhevnikov, A. V.; Korotin, Dm. M.; Lorenzana, J.
2022Computational prediction of new magnetic materialsRahmanian, Koshkaki, S.; Allahyari, Z.; Oganov, A. R.; Solozhenko, V. L.; Polovov, I. B.; Belozerov, A. S.; Katanin, A. A.; Anisimov, V. I.; Tikhonov, E. V.; Qian, G. -R.; Maksimtsev, K. V.; Mukhamadeev, A. S.; Chukin, A. V.; Korolev, A. V.; Mushnikov, N. V.; Li, H.
2015Correlation effects and non-collinear magnetism in the doped Hubbard modelIgoshev, P. A.; Timirgazin, M. A.; Gilmutdinov, V. F.; Arzhnikov, A. K.; Irkhin, V. Yu.
2021Correlation of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov States and Kondo Resonances in Artificial Spin Arrays on an s-Wave SuperconductorKamlapure, A.; Cornils, L.; Žitko, R.; Valentyuk, M.; Mozara, R.; Pradhan, S.; Fransson, J.; Lichtenstein, A. I.; Wiebe, J.; Wiesendanger, R.
2016Dendritic growth velocities in an undercooled melt of pure nickel under static magnetic fields: A test of theory with convectionGao, J.; Han, M.; Kao, A.; Pericleous, K.; Alexandrov, D. V.; Galenko, P. K.
2019Design and Mathematical Modeling of Gearless SMC Flux Reversal MotorPrakht, V.; Dmitrievskii, V.; Kazakbaev, V.; Golovanov, D.; Gerada, D.
2019Donor DBH excitons and magnetism of Mn doped ZnOSokolov, V. I.; Gruzdev, N. B.; Vazhenin, V. A.; Fokin, A. V.; Korolev, A. V.; Menshenin, V. V.; Surikov, V. T.; Yemelchenko, G. A.
2013Effect of chemically active medium on frequency dependence of magnetic losses in soft magnetic Fe-based amorphous alloysSkulkina, N. A.; Ivanov, O. A.; Stepanova, E. A.; Pavlova, I. O.
2020Effect of electronic correlations on the electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties of the ternary RCuGe compounds with R = Tb, Dy, Ho, ErLukoyanov, A. V.; Gramateeva, L. N.; Knyazev, Y. V.; Kuz'min, Y. I.; Gupta, S.; Suresh, K. G.
2018Effect of Inhibitors on the Crystallization and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline AlloysTsepelev, V. S.; Starodubtsev, Y. N.; Tsepeleva, N. P.