Просмотр коллекции по группе - По тематике MAGNETIC PROPERTIES

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Отображение результатов 12 до 31 из 75 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2020Effect of 200 MeV Ag16+ swift heavy ion irradiation on structural and magnetic properties of M-type barium hexaferritePackiaraj, G.; Sakthipandi, K.; Hossain, A.
2013Effect of copper content, initial structure, and scheme of treatment on magnetic properties of ultra-thin grain oriented electrical steelLobanov, M. L.; Rusakov, G. M.; Redikul'tsev, A. A.
2018Effect of Cr Spacer on Structural and Magnetic Properties of Fe/Gd MultilayersDrovosekov, A. B.; Ryabukhina, M. V.; Kholin, D. I.; Kreines, N. M.; Manuilovich, E. A.; Savitsky, A. O.; Kravtsov, E. A.; Proglyado, V. V.; Ustinov, V. V.; Keller, T.; Khaydukov, Y. N.; Choi, Y.; Haskel, D.
2020Effect of electronic correlations on the electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties of the ternary RCuGe compounds with R = Tb, Dy, Ho, ErLukoyanov, A. V.; Gramateeva, L. N.; Knyazev, Y. V.; Kuz'min, Y. I.; Gupta, S.; Suresh, K. G.
2020Effect of Electronic Correlations on the Spectral and Magnetic Properties of ZrZn2Skornyakov, S. L.; Protsenko, V. S.; Anisimov, V. I.; Katanin, A. A.
2023Effect of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Modified by Citric and Oleic Acids on the Physicochemical and Magnetic Properties of Hybrid Electrospun P(VDF-TrFE) ScaffoldsBotvin, V.; Fetisova, A.; Mukhortova, Y.; Wagner, D.; Kazantsev, S.; Surmeneva, M.; Kholkin, A.; Surmenev, R.
2023Effect of Polydispersity on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of a Magnetopolymer CompositeRadushnov, D. I.; Solovyova, A. Y.; Elfimova, E. A.
2019Effect of solid solution treatment and nitrogenation on magnetic properties of Sm2+αFe17Nx powdersKolodkin, D.; Popov, A.; Protasov, A.; Gaviko, V.; Kavita, S.; Prabhu, D. B.; Gopalan, R.
2023An effective spin model on the honeycomb lattice for the description of magnetic properties in two-dimensional Fe3GeTe2Pushkarev, G. V.; Badrtdinov, D. I.; Iakovlev, I. A.; Mazurenko, V. V.; Rudenko, A. N.
2020Effects of constant magnetic field to the proliferation rate of human fibroblasts grown onto different substrates: Tissue culture polystyrene, polyacrylamide hydrogel and ferrogels γ-fe2o3 magnetic nanoparticlesBlyakhman, F. A.; Melnikov, G. Y.; Makarova, E. B.; Fadeyev, F. A.; Sedneva-Lugovets, D. V.; Shabadrov, P. A.; Volchkov, S. O.; Mekhdieva, K. R.; Safronov, A. P.; Armas, S. F.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.
2020Electronic Correlation Effects and Local Magnetic Moments in L10phase of FeNiBelozerov, A. S.; Katanin, A. A.; Anisimov, V. I.
2019Extremely polysubstituted magnetic material based on magnetoplumbite with a hexagonal structure: Synthesis, structure, properties, prospectsVinnik, D. A.; Zhivulin, V. E.; Trofimov, E. A.; Starikov, A. Y.; Zherebtsov, D. A.; Zaitseva, O. V.; Gudkova, S. A.; Taskaev, S. V.; Klygach, D. S.; Vakhitov, M. G.; Sander, E. E.; Sherstyuk, D. P.; Trukhanov, A. V.
2016Features of Magnetocaloric Effect in Er(Co-Fe)2 Laves PhasesAnikin, M. S.; Tarasov, E. N.; Kudrevatykh, N. V.; Semkin, M. A.; Volegov, A. S.; Inishev, A. A.; Zinin, A. V.
2020Functional sr0.5ba0.5sm0.02fe11.98o4/x(ni0.8zn0.2fe2o4) hard-soft ferrite nanocomposites: Structure, magnetic and microwave propertiesAlgarou, N. A.; Slimani, Y.; Almessiere, M. A.; Sadaqat, A.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Gondal, M. A.; Hakeem, A. S.; Trukhanov, S. V.; Vakhitov, M. G.; Klygach, D. S.; Manikandan, A.; Baykal, A.
2019Hardware-software system for magnetic analysis of structureKostin, V.; Vasilenko, O.; Byzov, A.
2016Hysteresis of the magnetic properties of soft magnetic gelsZubarev, A. Y.; Chirikov, D. N.; Borin, D. Y.; Stepanov, G. V.
2021The influence of the synthesis conditions on the magnetic behaviour of the densely packed arrays of Ni nanowires in porous anodic alumina membranesVorobjova, A.; Tishkevich, D.; Shimanovich, D.; Zubar, T.; Astapovich, K.; Kozlovskiy, A.; Zdorovets, M.; Zhaludkevich, A.; Lyakhov, D.; Michels, D.; Vinnik, D.; Fedosyuk, V.; Trukhanov, A.
2022Intrinsic Magnetic Properties of a Highly Anisotropic Rare-Earth-Free Fe2P-Based MagnetHe, Y.; Adler, P.; Schneider, S.; Soldatov, I.; Mu, Q.; Borrmann, H.; Schnelle, W.; Schaefer, R.; Rellinghaus, B.; Fecher, G. H.; Felser, C.
2022Investigation of Crystal Structure, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Spinel Mn-Cd Ferrite NanoparticlesAbouhaswa, A. S.; Badr, M. H.; Nasr, M. H.; Elkholy, M. M.; El-Deen, L. M. S.; Turky, G. M.; Moustafa, M.; EL-Hamalawy, A. A.
2023Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect Thermopiles Based on Flexible Co-Rich Amorphous Ribbons/Pt Thin-Film HeterostructuresCorrea, M. A.; Svalov, A. V.; Ferreira, A.; Gamino, M.; Silva, E. F. D.; Bohn, F.; Vaz, F.; de, Oliveira, D. F.; Kurlyandskaya, G. V.