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Отображение результатов 94 до 113 из 167 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2019Paraorbital ground state of the trivalent Ni ion in LiNiO2 from DFT+DMFT calculationsKorotin, D. M.; Novoselov, D.; Anisimov, V. I.
2020Peculiarities of the crystal structure evolution of Bifeo3-batio3 ceramics across structural phase transitionsKarpinsky, D. V.; Silibin, M. V.; Trukhanov, S. V.; Trukhanov, A. V.; Zhaludkevich, A. L.; Latushka, S. I.; Zhaludkevich, D. V.; Khomchenko, V. A.; Alikin, D. O.; Abramov, A. S.; Maniecki, T.; Maniukiewicz, W.; Wolff, M.; Heitmann, V.; Kholkin, A. L.
2013Phase chemistry in the Ca-Mn-Sb-O system at 1160-1250 °CBazuev, G. V.; Tyutyunnik, A. P.; Golovkin, B. G.
2017Phase diagrams for the M2MoO4–Ln2(MoO4)3–Hf(MoO4)2 systems, where M = Li–Cs, Tl and Ln = La–LuBazarova, Zh. G.; Grossman, V. G.; Bazarov, B. G.; Tushinova, Yu. L.; Chimitova, O. D.; Bazarova, Ts. T.
2017Phase equilibria in the Tl2MoO4–R2(MoO4)3–Zr(MoO4)2 (R = Al, Cr) systems: synthesis, structure and properties of new triple molybdates Tl5RZr(MoO4)6 and TlRZr0.5(MoO4)3Grossman, V. G.; Bazarov, B. G.; Bazarova, Zh. G.
2013Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen content of intermediate phases in the Y-Ba-Co-O systemUrusova, A. S.; Cherepanov, V. A.; Aksenova, T. V.; Gavrilova, L. Y.; Kiselev, E. A.
2018Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen nonstoichiometry of the complex oxides in Sm – (Sr, Ba) – (Co, Fe) – O systemsVolkova, N. E.; Khvostova, L. V.; Galaida, A. P.; Gavrilova, L. Ya.; Cherepanov, V. A.
2013Phase formation and structural characteristics of Cd-Pb-S nanopowder compositions produced by modification of CdS powder in a citrate-ammonia solution of a lead saltChufarov, A. Yu.; Forostyanaya, N. A.; Ermakov, A. N.; Samigulina, R. F.; Maskaeva, L. N.; Markov, V. F.; Zainulin, Yu. G.
2023Phase transitions and spin state of iron in FeO under the conditions of Earth's deep interiorGreenberg, E.; Nazarov, R.; Landa, A.; Ying, J.; Hood, R. Q.; Hen, B.; Jeanloz, R.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Struzhkin, V. V.; Rozenberg, G. K.; Leonov, I. V.
2021Phase transitions induced by concentration and thermodynamic magnetic fluctuations in chiral ferromagnets Fe1-xCoxSiPovzner, A.; Volkov, A.; Nogovitsyna, T.; Bessonov, S.
2015Photoluminescence of monoclinic Li3AlF6 crystals under vacuum ultraviolet and soft X-ray excitationsPustovarov, V. A.; Ogorodnikov, I. N.; Omelkov, S. I.; Molokeev, M. S.; Kozlov, A. V.; Isaenko, L. I.
2015Physicochemical conditions of GaAs/GaAsxNy/GaN nanochips stabilityKomarovskih, N. V.; Fomina, L. V.; Beznosyuk, S .А.; Комаровских, Н. В.; Фомина, Л. В.; Безносюк, С. А.
2009Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Iridium at Room TemperaturePanfilov, P.; Yermakov, A.; Antonova, O. V.; Pilyugin, V. P.
2022Platinum(II) Acetylacetonate Complex Based on 5-(3-Aminophenyl)-2-(2-thienyl)pyridine: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Photophysical PropertiesKopchuk, D. S.; Slepukhin, P. A.; Taniya, O. S.; Krinochkin, A. P.; Zyryanov, G. V.; Chupakhin, O. N.
1998Polar Jahn-Teller Centers and Magnetic Neutron Scattering Cross-section in Copper OxidesMoskvin, A. S.; Ovchinnikov, A. S.
2021Polymorphs of Rb3ScF6: X-ray and Neutron Diffraction, Solid-State NMR, and Density Functional Theory Calculations StudyRakhmatullin, A.; Molokeev, M. S.; King, G.; Polovov, I. B.; Maksimtsev, K. V.; Chesneau, E.; Suard, E.; Bakirov, R.; Šimko, F.; Bessada, C.; Allix, M.
1995Possible Heavy-Fermion Behaviour of New U(Cu, Al)5 CompoundsNakotte, H.; Buschow, K. H. J.; Klaasse, J. C. P.; Prokeš, K.; de Boer, F. R.; Andreev, A. V.; Sugiyama, K.; Kuroda, T.; Date, M.
2017Preparation and characterization of metastable trigonal layered MSb2O6 phases (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Mg) and considerations on FeSb2O6Nikulin, A. Y.; Zvereva, E. A.; Nalbandyan, V. B.; Shukaev, I. L.; Kurbakov, A. I.; Kuchugura, M. D.; Raganyan, G. V.; Popov, Y. V.; Ivanchenko, V. D.; Vasiliev, A. N.
2021Radiation Swelling and Hardness of High-Entropy Alloys Based on the TiTaNbV System Irradiated with Krypton IonsIvanov, I. A.; Ryskulov, A.; Kurakhmedov, A.; Kozlovskiy, A.; Shlimas, D.; Zdorovets, M. V.; Uglov, V. V.; Zlotski, S. V.; Ke, J.
2018Relationship Between Electronic and Crystal Structure in Nd1 + xBa2 − xCu3O6 + δFetisov, A. V.; Estemirova, S. K.