Browsing by Author Rempel, A. A.

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 59  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Dependence of the size of nanoparticles of lead sulfide PbS on the chemical affinity of its formation reactionKozhevnikova, N. S.; Uritskaya, A. A.; Rempel, A. A.
2014Development of new methods in modern selective organic synthesis: Preparation of functionalized molecules with atomic precisionAnanikov, V. P.; Khemchyan, L. L.; Ivanova, Y. V.; Bukhtiyarov, V. I.; Sorokin, A. M.; Prosvirin, I. P.; Vatsadze, S. Z.; Medved'ko, A. V.; Nuriev, V. N.; Dilman, A. D.; Levin, V. V.; Koptyug, I. V.; Kovtunov, K. V.; Zhivonitko, V. V.; Likholobov, V. A.; Romanenko, A. V.; Simonov, P. A.; Nenajdenko, V. G.; Shmatova, O. I.; Muzalevskiy, V. M.; Nechaev, M. S.; Asachenko, A. F.; Morozov, O. S.; Dzhevakov, P. B.; Osipov, S. N.; Vorobyeva, D. V.; Topchiy, M. A.; Zotova, M. A.; Ponomarenko, S. A.; Borshchev, O. V.; Luponosov, Y. N.; Rempel, A. A.; Valeeva, A. A.; Stakheev, A. Y.; Turova, O. V.; Mashkovsky, I. S.; Sysolyatin, S. V.; Malykhin, V. V.; Bukhtiyarova, G. A.; Terent'ev, A. O.; Krylov, I. B.
2021Development of the Computer Model of the Plasma InstallationOkulov, R. A.; Popov, E. V.; Gelchinsky, B. R.; Rempel, A. A.
2014Direct С-Н functionalization of azaheterocycles using ТiO2 as a photocatalystTrestsova, M. A.; Utepova, I. A.; Musikhina, A. A.; Chupakhin, O. N.; Rempel, A. A.
2013Disintegration of microcrystalline Zn2SiO4:Mn phosphor powderPetrovykh, K. A.; Rempel, A. A.; Kortov, V. S.; Valeeva, A. A.; Zvonarev, S. V.
2013Effect of cobalt powder morphology on the properties of WC-Co hard alloysKurlov, A. S.; Rempel, A. A.
2020Effect of Stoichiometry and Ordering on the Microstructure of Titanium Monoxide TiOyRempel, S. V.; Rempel, A. A.; Valeeva, A. A.
2012Effect of the long-range order in the vacancy distribution on the electronic structure of titanium monoxide TiO1.0Kostenko, M. G.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Zhukov, V. P.; Rempel, A. A.
2020Effects of high mechanical treatment and long-term annealing on crystal structure and thermal stability of Ti2O3nanocrystalsValeeva, A. A.; Nazarova, S. Z.; Schröttner, H.; Gerasimov, E. Y.; Rempel, A. A.
2013Electronic structure and stability of nonstoichiometric titanium monoxide TiOy with structural vacancies in one of the sublatticesKostenko, M. G.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Rempel, A. A.
2012Electronic structure of disordered titanium monoxide TiOy depending on stoichiometryKostenko, M. G.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Zhukov, V. P.; Rempel, A. A.
2015Elimination of Vacancies in Titanium Monoxide under High Pressure in Combination with High TemperatureValeeva, A. A.; Rempel, A. A.; Pfitzner, A.
2013Hybrid nanoparticles based on sulfides, oxides, and carbidesRempel, A. A.
2021Hydrogen in nonstoichiometric cubic titanium monoxides: X-ray and neutron diffraction, neutron vibrational spectroscopy and NMR studiesSkripov, A. V.; Soloninin, A. V.; Valeeva, A. A.; Gusev, A. I.; Rempel, A. A.; Wu, H.; Udovic, T. J.
2017In situ disordering of monoclinic titanium monoxide Ti5O5 studied by transmission electron microscope TEMRempel, A. A.; Van Renterghem, W.; Valeeva, A. A.; Verwerft, M.; Van den Berghe, S.
2013In situ study of the temperature stability of TiO1.05 titanium monooxide using synchrotron radiationValeeva, A. A.; Tsybulya, S. V.; Rempel, A. A.
2023Induced surface photovoltage in TiO2 sol-gel nanoparticlesDorosheva, I. B.; Vokhmintsev, A. S.; Weinstein, I. A.; Rempel, A. A.
2013Internal energy and parameters of the order-disorder phase transition in titanium monoxide TiO yKostenko, M. G.; Rempel, A. A.; Lukoyanov, A. V.
2018Lifetime of Positrons in Nanostructured Nonstoichiometric Silver Sulfide Ag2-delta S (vol 107, pg 4, 2018)Rempel, A. A.; Sadovnikov, S. I.; Klinser, G.; Sprengel, W.
2022Machine Learning Interatomic Potential for CoCrFeMnNi in Wide Pressure-Temperature RangeBalyakin, I. A.; Rempel, A. A.