Showing results 1 to 20 of 21
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Domain formation by ion beam in lithium niobate crystal with suppression of surface charging by electron and UV-flood guns | Maslyanaya, K. V.; Chezganov, D. S.; Vlasov, E. O.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я. |
2023 | Electrophoretic Deposition of One- and Two-Layer Compacts of Holmium and Yttrium Oxide Nanopowders for Magneto-Optical Ceramics Fabrication | Kalinina, E. G.; Kundikova, N. D.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Ivanov, M. G. |
2019 | Fabrication of a superhydrophobic and superoleophilic teflon surfaces using infrared laser irradiation | Volchetskaya, K. V.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я. |
2019 | Fabrication of superhydrophobic and superoleophilic teflon surfaces using irradiation by nanosecond infrared laser | Volchetskaya, K. V.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Ya, Shur, V. |
2006 | Field Induced Evolution of Regular and Random 2D Domain Structures and Shape of Isolated Domains in LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 | Lobov, A. I.; Shur, V. Ya.; Baturin, I. S.; Shishkin, E. I.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Shur, A. G.; Dolbilov, M. A.; Gallo, K.; Шур, В. Я. |
2019 | Organism's responses to a long-term inhalation of silica-containing submicron particles of an industrial aerosol | Solovyeva, S. N.; Katsnelson, B. A.; Sutunkova, M. P.; Privalova, L. I.; Gurvich, V. B.; Minigalieva, I. A.; Slyshkina, T. V.; Valamina, I. E.; Shur, V. Y.; Zubarev, I. V.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Шур, В. Я. |
2013 | Polarization reversal induced by heating-cooling cycles in MgO doped lithium niobate crystals | Shur, V. Y.; Mingaliev, E. A.; Lebedev, V. A.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Fursov, D. V.; Шур, В. Я. |
2019 | Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of (Ho 1-x La x ) 2 O 3 nanopowders for magneto-optical ceramics | Balabanov, S. S.; Filofeev, S. V.; Ivanov, M. G.; Kalinina, E. G.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Permin, D. A.; Rostokina, E. Y. |
2019 | Shape change of metal oxide nanoparticles produced by laser ablation in liquid | Gunina, E. V.; Pryakhina, V. I.; Shishkina, E. V.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Greshnyakov, E. D.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я. |
2019 | Structure and magnetic properties of LiNi1-xCoxPO4 magnetoelectrics with x = (0, 0.1, and 0.2) | Semkin, M. A.; Urusova, N. V.; Lee, S.; Kalinkin, M. O.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Kulesh, N. A.; Neznakhin, D. S.; Kellerman, D. G.; Pirogov, A. N. |
2019 | Structure and magnetoelectric coupling of LiNi1-xCoxPO4 multiferroics | Semkin, M. A.; Urusova, N. V.; Kalinkin, M. O.; Kulesh, N. A.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Neznakhin, D. S.; Volegov, A. S.; Kellerman, D. G.; Pirogov, A. N. |
2015 | Studies of graphite transformation at cold compression | Petrosyan, T. K.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Tikhomirova, G. V. |
2016 | Study of domain formation by ion beam in MgO doped lithium niobate single crystals covered by resist | Vlasov, E. O.; Chezganov, D. S.; Gimadeeva, L. V.; Neradovskiy, M. M.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Alikin, D. O.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Petrov, Y. V.; Mikhailovskii, V. Y.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я. |
2016 | Study of domain patterning in MgO doped lithium niobate single crystals by electron beam irradiation | Vlasov, E. O.; Chezganov, D. S.; Akhmatkhanov, A. R.; Smirnov, M. M.; Chuvakova, M. A.; Neradovskiy, M. M.; Alikin, D. O.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я. |
2017 | Study of structural colour of Hebomoia glaucippe butterfly wing scales | Shur, V. Ya.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Pryakhina, V. I.; Kosobokov, M. S.; Zubarev, I. V.; Boymuradova, S. K.; Volchetskaya, K. V.; Шур, В. Я. |
2020 | Supporting data and methods for the characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with pH-(low)-insertion peptide, testing their cytotoxicity and analyses of biodistribution in SCID mice bearing MDA-MB231 tumor | Pershina, A. G.; Brikunova, O. Y.; Perekucha, N. A.; Demin, A. M.; Shevelev, O. B.; Malkeyeva, D.; Kiseleva, E.; Minin, A. S.; Kostikova, L. A.; Stepanov, I. V.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Shur, V. Y.; Krasnov, V. P.; Шур, В. Я. |
2019 | Tailoring Ni and Sr2Mg0.25Ni0.75MoO6 −δ cermet compositions for designing the fuel electrodes of solid oxide electrochemical cells | Skutina, L. S.; Vylkov, A. A.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Medvedev, D. A.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я. |
2016 | Tip-induced domain switching in the non-polar cuts of lithium niobate doped with magnesium oxide | Alikin, Yu. M.; Alikin, D. O.; Turygin, A. P.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Shur, V. Ya.; Шур, В. Я. |
2017 | Идентификация примесных фаз нанотрубок Na2Ti6O13 спектроскопическими методами | Тарасов, A. М.; Пелегов, Д. В.; Махмутов, А. Р.; Слаутин, Б. Н.; Пряхина, В. И.; Кузнецов, Д. К.; Шишкин, К.; Киселев, Е. А.; Елшина, Л. А.; Шур, В. Я.; Tarasov, A. M.; Pelegov, D. V.; Makhmutov, A. R.; Slautin, B. N.; Pryakhina, V. I.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Shishkin, K.; Kiselev, E. A.; Yolshina, L. A.; Shur, V. Ya. |
2017 | Изучение структурной окраски чешуек крыла бабочки | Кузнецов, Д. К.; Пряхина, В. И.; Зубарев, И. В.; Боймурадова, Ш. К.; Волчецкая, К. В.; Шур, В. Я.; Kuznetsov, D. K.; Pryakhina, V.I.; Zubarev, I. V.; Boymuradova, S. K.; Volchetskaya, K. V.; Shur, V. Ya. |