Browsing by Author Gurovich, B. A.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Creation of thin superconducting MoCN covering by cathode sputtering technique as a basis film for functional cryogenic nanoelements | Gurovich, B. A.; Goncharov, B. V.; Kutuzov, L. V.; Prihodko, K. E.; Olshansky, E. D. |
2019 | Low temperature resistive elements integrated into superconductive NbN nanowires produced under ion beam irradiation | Gurovich, B. A.; Goncharov, B. V.; Kutuzov, L. V.; Prihodko, K. E.; Komarov, D. A.; Domantovsky, A. G.; Dementeva, M. M. |
2018 | STEM and HRTEM techniques for investigation of cobalt recovery temperature dependence under ion beam irradiation | Dementyeva, M. M.; Prikhodko, K. E.; Gurovich, B. A.; Kutuzov, L. V.; Komarov, D. A. |
2018 | Use of EELS STEM technique to estimate the depth profile of tungsten oxide reduction under proton irradiation | Dementyeva, M. M.; Prikhodko, K. E.; Gurovich, B. A.; Kutuzov, L. V.; Komarov, D. A. |
2017 | Количественный анализ тонких пленок NbN методом EELS в режиме STEM | Дементьева, М. М.; Приходько, К. Е.; Гурович, Б. А.; Кутузов, Л. В.; Комаров, Д. А.; Dementyeva, M. M.; Prikhodko, K. E.; Gurovich, B. A.; Kutuzov, L. V.; Komarov, D. A. |