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Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2021Parameter study for the burst mode of accretion in massive star formationMeyer, D. M. -A.; Vorobyov, E. I.; Elbakyan, V. G.; Eislöffel, J.; Sobolev, A. M.; Stöhr, M.
2020The PDR structure and kinematics around the compact H ii regions S235 A and S235 C with [C ii], [13C ii], [O i], and HCO+line profilesKirsanova, M. S.; Ossenkopf-Okada, V.; Anderson, L. D.; Boley, P. A.; Bieging, J. H.; Pavlyuchenkov, Y. N.; Luisi, M.; Schneider, N.; Andersen, M.; Samal, M. R.; Sobolev, A. M.; Buchbender, C.; Aladro, R.; Okada, Y.
2013Physical conditions in star-forming regions around s235Kirsanova, M. S.; Wiebe, D. S.; Sobolev, A. M.; Henkel, C.; Tsivilev, A. P.
2023Physical Environments of the Luminosity Outburst Source NGC 6334I Traced by Thermal and Maser Lines of Multiple MoleculesWu, J. -H.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y. -K.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Sobolev, A. M.; Zhao, Z.; Song, S. -M.; Shen, Z. -Q.; Li, B.; Xia, B.; Zhao, R. -B.; Wang, J. -Q.; Wu, Y. -J.
2020The Physical Parameters of Clumps Associated with Class i Methanol MasersLadeyschikov, D. A.; Urquhart, J. S.; Sobolev, A. M.; Breen, S. L.; Bayandina, O. S.
2016The physics of water masers observable with ALMA and SOFIA: Model predictions for evolved starsGray, M. D.; Baudry, A.; Richards, A. M. S.; Humphreys, E. M. L.; Sobolev, A. M.; Yates, J. A.
2017Planar infall of CH3 OH gas around Cepheus A HW2Sanna, A.; Moscadelli, L.; Surcis, G.; Van, Langevelde, H. J.; Torstensson, K. J. E.; Sobolev, A. M.
2020A Radio Molecular Line Search for Evidence of an O-rich Environment around Binary in Silicate Carbon StarsZhao, Z.; Chen, X.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Sobolev, A. M.; Ouyang, X.
2020RadioAstron probes the ultra-fine spatial structure in the H2O maser emission in the star forming region W49NShakhvorostova, N. N.; Sobolev, A. M.; Moran, J. M.; Alakoz, A. V.; Imai, H.; Avdeev, V. Y.
2017RadioAstron space-VLBI project: Studies of masers in star forming regions of our Galaxy and megamasers in external galaxiesSobolev, A. M.; Shakhvorostova, N. N.; Alakoz, A. V.; Baan, W. A.
2017Relation between the parameters of dust and of molecular and atomic gas in extragalactic star-forming regionsSmirnova, K. I.; Murga, M. S.; Wiebe, D. S.; Sobolev, A. M.
2014Review of scientific topics for the Millimetron Space ObservatoryKardashev, N. S.; Novikov, I. D.; Lukash, V. N.; Pilipenko, S. V.; Mikheeva, E. V.; Bisikalo, D. V.; Wiebe, D. S.; Doroshkevich, A. G.; Zasov, A. V.; Zinchenko, I. I.; Ivanov, P. B.; Kostenko, V. I.; Larchenkova, T. I.; Likhachev, S. F.; Malov, I. F.; Malofeev, V. M.; Pozanenko, A. S.; Smirnov, A. V.; Sobolev, A. M.; Cherepashchuk, A. M.; Shchekinov, Yu. A.
2009S 235 B explained: An accreting Herbig Be star surrounded by reflection nebulosityBoley, P. A.; Sobolev, A. M.; Krushinsky, V. V.; Van, Boekel, R.; Henning, T.; Moiseev, A. V.; Yushkin, M. V.
2004Search for class II methanol masers at 23.1 GHzCragg, D. M.; Sobolev, A. M.; Caswell, J. L.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Godfrey, P. D.
2016A sensitive search for predicted methanol maser transitions with the Australia telescope compact arrayChipman, A.; Ellingsen, S. P.; Sobolev, A. M.; Cragg, D. M.
2013The simulation of molecular clouds formation in the Milky WayKhoperskov, S. A.; Vasiliev, E. O.; Sobolev, A. M.; Khoperskov, A. V.
2018The Spectral Type of the Ionizing Stars and the Infrared Fluxes of HII RegionsTopchieva, A. P.; Kirsanova, M. S.; Sobolev, A. M.
2008Star formation around the H II region Sh2-235Kirsanova, M. S.; Sobolev, A. M.; Thomasson, M.; Wiebe, D. S.; Johansson, L. E. B.; Seleznev, A. F.
2015Star formation in the S233 regionLadeyschikov, D. A.; Sobolev, A. M.; Parfenov, S. Y.; Alexeeva, S. A.; Bieging, J. H.
2018Study of the filamentary infrared dark cloud G192.76+00.10 in the S254-S258 OB complexRyabukhina, O. L.; Zinchenko, I. I.; Samal, M. R.; Zemlyanukha, P. M.; Ladeyschikov, D. A.; Sobolev, A. M.; Henkel, C.; Ojha, D. K.