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Title: On the Best Approximation of the Differentiation Operator
Authors: Arestov, V. V.
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: N.N. Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
Citation: Arestov V. V. On the Best Approximation of the Differentiation Operator / V. V. Arestov. — DOI 10.15826/umj.2015.1.002. — Text : electronic // Ural Mathematical Journal. — 2015. — Volume 1. — № 1. — P. 20-29.
Abstract: In this paper we give a solution of the problem of the best approximation in the uniform norm of the differentiation operator of order k by bounded linear operators in the class of functions with the property that the Fourier transforms of their derivatives of order n (0 < k <n) are finite measures. We also determine the exact value of the best constant in the corresponding inequality for derivatives.
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ISSN: 2414-3952
DOI: 10.15826/umj.2015.1.002
Origin: Ural Mathematical Journal. 2015. Volume 1. № 1
Appears in Collections:Ural Mathematical Journal

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