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Title: Русская антропонимическая система на рубеже веков
Other Titles: Russian Anthroponymy at the Turn of the Century
Authors: Голомидова, М. В.
Golomidova, M. V.
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Издательство Уральского университета
Citation: Голомидова М. В. Русская антропонимическая система на рубеже веков / М. В. Голомидова // Вопросы ономастики. – 2005. – № 2. – С. 11-22.
Abstract: The article analyses the present state of Russian anthroponymical system. The author examines central units of anthroponomical system – personal and patronymic names – as well as peripheral units such as pseudonyms, personal and computer nicknames. Changes in the active vocabulary of personal names, stability or nonstability of the normative patterns of name-giving, correlations within functional types of personal names are in the focus of the discussion. The author comes to the conclusion that Russian anthroponymical system has not changed much. At the same time the active vocabulary of personal names has reduced and there is a frequency-changing process within personal names which does not affect the whole spectrum of names. Nicknames and pseudonyms are supplementary means of name-giving for humanbeings, they realize the distinctive and social functions of the name. Nowadays nicknames and pseudonyms assume a special cultural character. Computer nicknames as a new phenomenon point out the expanding and complicated process in the periphery of the anthroponymical system. The author points out that the peripheral changes demonstrate that the anthroponymical system tends to overcome the stagnation of its core and get the functional balance.
Origin: Вопросы ономастики. 2005. № 2.
Appears in Collections:Вопросы ономастики

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