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Отображение результатов 48 до 67 из 88 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2013Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen content of intermediate phases in the Y-Ba-Co-O systemUrusova, A. S.; Cherepanov, V. A.; Aksenova, T. V.; Gavrilova, L. Y.; Kiselev, E. A.
2013Photoluminescence of Se-related oxygen deficient center in ion-implanted silica filmsZatsepin, A. F.; Buntov, E. A.; Pustovarov, V. A.; Fitting, H.-J.; Пустоваров, В. А.
2022Piezo-Responsive Hydrogen-Bonded Frameworks Based on Vanillin-Barbiturate ConjugatesNebalueva, A. S.; Timralieva, A. A.; Sadovnichii, R. V.; Novikov, A. S.; Zhukov, M. V.; Aglikov, A. S.; Muravev, A. A.; Sviridova, T. V.; Boyarskiy, V. P.; Kholkin, A. L.; Skorb, E. V.
2013Preparation, crystal structure and properties of HoBaCo 2-xFexO5+δGavrilova, L.; Volkova, N. E.; Aksenova, T. V.; Cherepanov, V. A.
2018Production of nanoporous sorbents by partial steam-air conversion of charcoalNikitin, A. D.; Khudyakova, G. I.; Ryzhkov, A. F.
2020Rate‐determining steps of oxygen surface exchange kinetics on Sr2Fe1.5Mo0.5O6−δOsinkin, D. A.; Khodimchuk, A. V.; Porotnikova, N. M.; Bogdanovich, N. M.; Fetisov, A. V.; Ananyev, M. V.
2014Redox-neutral α-oxygenation of amines: Reaction development and elucidation of the mechanismRichers, M. T.; Breugst, M.; Platonova, A. Y.; Ullrich, A.; Dieckmann, A.; Houk, K. N.; Seidel, D.
2020Research of oxygen-conducting ceramic materials for lithium chloride melt in reactors for pyrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuelValtseva, A. I.; Pershin, P. S.; Suzdaltsev, A. V.; Zaikov, Yu. P.
2021Revealing the Complex Nature of Bonding in the Binary High-Pressure Compound FeO2Koemets, E.; Leonov, I.; Bykov, M.; Bykova, E.; Chariton, S.; Aprilis, G.; Fedotenko, T.; Clément, S.; Rouquette, J.; Haines, J.; Cerantola, V.; Glazyrin, K.; McCammon, C.; Prakapenka, V. B.; Hanfland, M.; Liermann, H. -P.; Svitlyk, V.; Torchio, R.; Rosa, A. D.; Irifune, T.; Ponomareva, A. V.; Abrikosov, I. A.; Dubrovinskaia, N.; Dubrovinsky, L.
2016Role of local geometry in the spin and orbital structure of transition metal compoundsKhomskii, D. I.; Kugel, K. I.; Sboychakov, A. O.; Streltsov, S. V.
2006The Role of Transition Metal Impurities and Oxygen Vacancies in the Formation of Ferromagnetism in Co-doped TiO2Anisimov, V. I.; Korotin, M. A.; Nekrasov, I. A.; Mylnikova, A. S.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Wang, J. L.; Zeng, Z.
2006The role of transition metal impurities and oxygen vacancies in the formation of ferromagnetism in Co-doped TiO2Anisimov, V. I.; Korotin, M. A.; Nekrasov, I. A.; Mylnikova, A. S.; Lukoyanov, A. V.; Wang, J. L.; Zeng, Z.
2013Simulation of the kinetics of the autoclave dissolution of copper and nickel sulfides in the presence of oxygenKniss, S. V.; Naboichenko, S. S.; Zhukov, V. P.
2013Simulation of the solidification of the melt in the Vanyukov furnace in the case of emergency stoppageLisienko, V. G.; Malikov, G. K.; Morozov, M. V.; Belyaev, V. V.; Kirsanov, V. A.
2023Sintering Aid Strategy for Promoting Oxygen Reduction Reaction on High-Performance Double-Layer LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3–δ Composite Electrode for Devices Based on Solid-State MembranesOsinkin, D.; Bogdanovich, N.
2023Some Aspects of Hydrogen Oxidation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell: A Brief Historical OverviewOsinkin, D. A.
2018Stoichiometric analysis of air oxygen consumption in modern vehicles using natural and synthetic fuelsShcheklein, S. E.; Dubinin, A. M.; Щеклеин, С. Е.; Дубинин, А. М.
2017Synthesis and characterization of the oxygen-deficient perovskite BaFe0.9-xY0.1CoxO3-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.15)Urusova, A. S.; Bryuzgina, A. V.; Cherepanov, V. A.; Battle, P. D.; Chin, C. -M.
2013Synthesis and structure of new imidazo- and pyrazolo[5,1-d][1,2,3,5] thiatriazines based on the reaction of diazoazoles with acyl isothiocyanates controlled by Sa⋯O interactionSadchikova, E. V.; Bakulev, V. A.; Subbotina, J. O.; Privalova, D. L.; Dehaen, W.; Van Hecke, K.; Robeyns, K.; Van Meervelt, L.; Mokrushin, V. S.
2013Synthesis, crystal structure and properties of SmBaCo2-xFe xO5+δVolkova, N. E.; Gavrilova, L. Y.; Cherepanov, V. A.; Aksenova, T. V.; Kolotygin, V. A.; Kharton, V. V.