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dc.contributor.authorОлешко, В. Ф.ru
dc.contributor.authorОлешко, Е. В.ru
dc.contributor.authorOleshko, V. F.en
dc.contributor.authorOleshko, E. V.en
dc.identifier.citationОлешко В. Ф. Социально-правовые аспекты конструирования идентичности россиян в дискурсе СМИ = Social and Legal Aspects of Constructing the Identity of Russians in the Media Discourse / В. Ф. Олешко, Е. В. Олешко. — DOI 10.15826/B978-5-7996-3074-4.3. — Текст : непосредственный // СМИ как медиатор коммуникативно-культурной памяти : [монография] = Mass media as a mediator of communicative and cultural memory: [monograph]/ В. Ф. Олешко, Е. В. Олешко ; Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации, Уральский федеральный университет. — Екатеринбург : Издательство Уральского университета, 2020. — ISBN 978-5-7996-3074-4. — Часть 3. — С. 159-246.ru
dc.description.abstractReflection on the scientific level of new media practices and systematization of a positive experience is impossible without identifying and describing the problem components and contradictions that characterize the modern informa­tion space in Russia or its particular regions. First of all, it determines the fact that the first decades of the 21st century marked the beginning of a new stage in the study of rapidly transforming media systems. Secondly, when studying the impact of these processes on the representatives of modern Russian society as a whole and its groups, the digital revolution assumes that not only the mo­bilization resources of social theories and actual practices are defined, but also predetermines the formation of a legal framework for the mass media, which must meet the requirements of time and the demands of society. The third part of the monograph “Mass Media as a Mediator of Communicative-Cultural Memory” is devoted to this problem. The legal field of journalism of the digital age and the legal aspect of the identity of Russians are considered in the context of their mutual influence. The axiological context of ethical and philosophical dominance in modern media texts and the analysis of the role of the media in maintaining positive ethnic identity has allowed the authors to consider several problematic nodes of actual practice at various levels of social dynamics. In particular, it has been proved that since it is through culture, as well as through media culture as a special type of culture, that the individual is socialized and society thus largely regulates the behaviour of individuals and groups, the consideration of culture as an Univer­sum opens wide prospects for research into the functioning of journalism as a social institution under the new conditions. The results of the sociological research carried out by the authors testi­fied that professional activity for the overwhelming number of respondents in conditions of active influence of the global network and possibilities of new information technologies became inseparable with personal intentions. They are reflected in their public discourse, the product of a more or less argumentative discussion of a fact, a problem situation, which is based on an openly broadcast text. It has been proved that modern practice allows the public discourse of a journalist, which influences the formation of primarily communicative memory of media audience representatives, to be differentiated into three levels: com­municative-event, communicative-containing and communicative-predictive. Today, mass media should be not only an information resource but also a platform (channel, tool) for presenting the whole range of opinions and de­veloping various initiatives of active representatives of this or that societies. Information activities of non-professionals in the media sphere, most often referred to as civic journalism, should in practice become an important factor in the development of conventional (contractual) and communication (dialogue) strategies. At the same time, the mythologization of reality, even via ethnic ste­reotypes broadcast by some media and bloggers, is a complex and controversial formation that manifests itself specifically at different levels of mass conscious­ness. It can contribute both to the emergence of new images, different views of reality, and the accumulation of incorrect opinions, false ideas, manifestations of aggression. The result is social, cultural, religious and political myths, sometimes even leading to various antisocial actions. Therefore, it is concluded that professional media activity requires from communicators, along with ethical and legal enlightenment and active life po­sition manifestation, the skills of creative (non-traditional, non-stereotypical) information expression in media texts.en
dc.publisherИздательство Уральского университетаru
dc.relation.ispartofСМИ как медиатор коммуникативно-культурной памятиru
dc.subjectMEDIA SYSTEMen
dc.subjectLEGAL FIELDen
dc.subjectMEDIA CULTUREen
dc.titleСоциально-правовые аспекты конструирования идентичности россиян в дискурсе СМИru
dc.title.alternativeSocial and Legal Aspects of Constructing the Identity of Russians in the Media Discourseen
dc.typeBook Chapteren
Располагается в коллекциях:Публикации сотрудников и студентов

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